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Old 05-16-2018, 12:36 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Mar 2016
Posts: 144
Judging from Aunt Lydia's measurements, June must be around 22 weeks pregnant now. It seems as if she didn't feel connected to the fetus until she nearly lost it, or at least she didn't want to feel connected to it. It was a relief to hear her vow not to let the Waterfords have her baby, especially after she burned the letters at the beginning of the episode.

Aunt Lydia's invasive visit is very in-character, and almost sweet, in a very, very creepy way; a doctor would focus entirely on the fetus, while Aunt Lydia concerns herself with the physical surroundings and the emotional welfare of the Handmaids themselves. Nice touch having her write in front of Serena.

I hate to hear Naomi Putnam complaining about baby Angela/Charlotte. Janine loves her so much, yet the woman deemed to be the fit and proper parent by Gilead grumbles about her. Is it my imagination, or is she trying to steal Serena's thunder? She was talking about Angela at the baby shower last episode, and humble-bragging about her own baby shower in this one. Might she be jealous that her baby is no longer the main focus of attention, as she was when she was the newest arrival in their social circle? She is doing everything short of jumping up and down, shouting "remember, I have a baby too!"

I wonder if she hands Angela/Charlotte to a Martha once out of public view, or if she is expected to perform all the mothering duties herself to show that she is a fit mother.

The Prayvaganza scene was very effective, truly disturbing. Some of the brides were tiny. The use of the face-concealing veils was ironic, given the way the Handmaid system centres around Rachel and Leah. Eden is supposed to be fifteen, so she should be old enough to remember pre-Gilead, but she seems to be a true believer. Goodness knows what was drummed into the heads of little girls once schools could no longer teach them to read or write. Nick would want to have a very good hiding place for those letters. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of role Eden will have in the household; is she expected to act as a companion to Serena, or to keep herself out of sight and fill her days by keeping house for Nick in his flat?

It was depressing to hear that another Rachel and Leah Centre is being opened. We only see one district. How many Handmaids are there in Gilead?

Janine started out as a rebel on her first day in the Rachel and Leah Centre, and now she is rebelling in the Colonies, whether she realises it or not. She brought a touch of hope, joy and beauty into Hell on Earth. The wedding was a beautiful, perfect act of rebellion; a same-sex, interracial couple, united in marriage by a female Rabbi. Everything about it went against Gilead.
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