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Old 02-15-2018, 06:41 AM
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The cabin is likely Rumples (I thought it might be for 7x19, but the director tweeted a photo of the snowy woods from that night - and also, today is the last day of filming for 7x18.

Anyway, what if the scenes take place early in his EF2 stay, and he built it to have two chairs (and two of everything else inside) because it’s a way for Belle to always be with him? Considering there's a campfire with a few chairs, I'm wondering if they filmed more than one scene - including with Rumple alone -since probably this was the first/only time they used the cabin, certainly for the episode.
You find goodness in others and when it's not there, you create it. You make me want to go back, back to the best version of me...and that never happened before.

Last edited by Betsybelle; 02-15-2018 at 11:59 AM
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