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Old 12-05-2017, 10:30 PM
Graphics Team
kooky saiyan girl

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Joined: Aug 2010
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Once upon a time there was a nasty werewolf that everyone hated but Shaq decided to go up and tell Adele that bappalappashamalamadingdong is Nosferatu and just all his old pink tutu's were getting wet and slimy. Klaus ate his therapist because his sister was angry at her for ruining her big toe. Cami died but became a ghost and then exploded with fire never finding home. Klaus celebrated with booze while Elijah disapproved of his behaviour so much that he slapped Hayley only because she got fleas all over herself. Hayley died of poison when Drake danced with Marcel and dropped like a leaf. Marcel twerked on a table then broke a hip over his lost bear forcing him to join the new crazy that was about to take away from the only thing that would only help the injury. After a new vampire was about to see if it was about to be able to do some of the things that vampires were doing to other werewolves that isn't able to cope with some of the only ones that can only be capable of turning up the violence. When the other way was going wrong with the first other way, they were never going to see the only other way that they were able to accomplish their only goal was to do some good for the other vampires were starving for blood that was already taken from the other stash and all the new vampires that wanted some couldn't be able to find the other one
I love you, it's ruining my life
I touched you for only a f o r t n i g h t
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