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Old 10-11-2017, 10:11 AM
Jerry D
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Originally Posted by The Apt (View Post)
She lies to Pacey about her thoughts and feelings during many moments in season 4. That is why if Dawson/Joey never existed and I had Pacey/Joey to evaluate only, I would still have major issues with this pairing. I don't like Joey very much when she's with Pacey. She's not honest with him. Pacey lost all of his spark the second he got together with Joey too. The amazing season 2 Pacey is long gone in season 4. They brought out the worst in each other. That is why when Pacey later tells Joey the simple act of being in love with her was enough I laughed. Huh? He is a miserable mess when he's supposedly in love with Joey.
I know. It was a joke. Andie had opened up Pacey to a whole new world, a world of love with someone his own age, (what a concept, huh? ) and she bolstered his confidence in such a way that he was able, for the first time in his life, to put his “slacker” image behind him, and obtain success, both scholastically, and, more important, as a human being. We had always seen evidence of Pacey’s kindness and intelligence that lay hidden behind his outwardly affable and apathetic exterior, but it was Andie who helped Pacey, and all of us, realize what a truly wonderful human being that he was. Pacey also found the courage to stand up to his father when his father insulted Andie, and Andie’s subsequent phone conversation with Mr. Witter allowed him and Pacey to achieve a true breakthrough in their relationship, and allowed them to interact as a father and son truly should for the first time in their lives.

When Pacey was with Joey, however, all the progress he had made was tossed aside and he barely was able to finish High School and he came very close to flunking out, but Joey was too self-obsessed to see that or to help him, and she even cruelly taunted him about not getting into any colleges at that dinner for prospective Worthington students. Pacey was basically miserable the entire time that he was with Joey, and with Pacey and Joey we got to see a romantic relationship which foundered on Pacey’s insecurities, Joey’s self obsession, and the constant presence of Dawson’s “ghost” in their relationship. We also saw every significant issue which could have affected their relationship conveniently swept under the rug for the obligatory 8:50 make up/make out scene, and we saw their relationship damaged by the lack of open and honest communication between them, and finally destroyed by Joey’s lies, and Pacey’s self loathing, which was a characteristic he never had with Andie.

So to me, Joey ending up being the love of Pacey's life was a complete joke.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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