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Old 09-25-2017, 07:01 PM
Alpha Wolf
New Fan
Joined: Jan 2017
Posts: 10
So my thoughts :-)

1. Finale should've been 2 hours long. Very rushed.

2. I loved Lydia's reaction to seeing Jackson, I thought it was sweet and almost seemed unscripted.

3. I laughed so hard when Derek was like, "Dude I had to carry your sorry butt", and you see Stiles crying because of his toe. It was so typical Stiles and the sight of blood.

4. I cheered when Coach popped up, cracked the kid on the head with the lacrosse stick and said, "now it's over", then promptly went back to his office. So typical Coach. I love that character.

5. I seriously couldn't understand Blake being Derek's biggest fear. Really? More so than the woman who raped him and killed his entire family? I could almost buy that he would open his eyes just because that's what the monster did, his power was to make you look. But I just find it hard to believe that Blake was his biggest fear.

6. Still mad Derek didn't get to kill either Kate or Gerard.

7. Rafe was completely pointless, unfortunately. He was another character I liked to hate. Would've liked to have seen him save Scott.

8. Loved it when Sheriff kicked the kid's butt when the kid made the age comment.

9. How did Stiles get his Jeep? Scott had it.

10. I am eternally Sterek, so didn't care about Stydia or lack there of.

I felt like the 6A finale was more of a series finale than this, this one almost seemed like a set-up to a future spin-off or continuation. Which I'm totally down for.

11. I have hated Theo since day 1 but really found myself liking him with the scenes with Liam. I like that he finally came around, although I would've let that kid sit in pain lol.

I'm sorry to see it go, even though I've never been a fan of Pack 2.0, but if another channel picked it up I'd be all over it!
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