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Old 08-24-2017, 12:02 PM
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With two votes (including mine), we must to...

ERIC: So, hey, Hyde. Come on. Where's your dad? Really.
HYDE: Fine. You want to know? He and my mom got back together.
ERIC: No way. No way. That's great. So, where are they?
HYDE: I can't tell you.
ERIC: Why not?
HYDE: 'Cause they won't tell me.


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That 70s Show Season 4 Quote Survivor!

405 “Bye-Bye Basement”
Eliminated in Round 3

HYDE: I moved back in when my dad got transferred.
RED: Transferred? He's a bartender. Where'd he get transferred to, the jukebox?

HYDE: You know, Red, if it's cool, I'd kinda rather not talk about it.
KITTY: Well, Steven, it's important to get these things out in the open.
RED: Kitty, let him do what's natural and keep his feelings bottled up. Attaboy.

RED: I'll find you a good, cheap contractor.
KITTY: Oh, no, no, no. This is something I want to handle myself.
RED: This is going to be expensive, isn't it?
KITTY: Maybe.
RED: Don't you like anything cheap?
KITTY: I like you.

Eliminated in Round 2

Eliminated in Round 5

Eliminated in Round 4

DONNA: Wait, I disagree with you, so I'm crazy? I think the last time I disagreed with you was the sanest thing I ever did.
ERIC: Okay, are you referring to our breakup? Because I must remind everyone that she wore my promise ring around her neck. That's crazy. Ring, finger. Finger, ring.
DONNA: Well, you're lucky I didn't shove the ring up your ass.
ERIC: Mom!

KITTY: Oh, Red, here. Um, meet our contractors. This is Theo and...
LEO: Hey, Mr. Eric's Dad.
RED: This is who you hired to redo our basement?!
KITTY: Well, no, no. Actually, I hired Theo. And, uh, I didn't really expect Leo. That was, um … that was a bonus. Here. Shoo, Leo.

THEO: I used to be like Leo, sitting around all day, wasting my life. But then one day the smoke cleared.
KITTY: See, Red? He had an epiphany.
THEO: Actually, I ran out of weed, and the smoke cleared. But, uh ... then I saw how trashed my apartment was, so I rebuilt it. Been a contractor ever since.
RED: Well, I'm sold.

Eliminated in Round 6

DONNA: You know how when you eat, and you smack your lips in that really cute way?
ERIC: Yeah.
DONNA: It's disgusting.
ERIC: That's all you got?
DONNA: No. You have tiny wrists.
ERIC: What? No, I don't. Mom, do I have tiny wrists?
KITTY: No, not tiny. Dainty.

ERIC: This whole basement thing is Donna's fault. I mean, what's her problem? She's been messing with me all day.
HYDE: It could be payback.
ERIC: For what?
HYDE: Well, she had to see you naked for two years. That must've been unpleasant.

Eliminated in Round 8

Eliminated in Round 9

DONNA: That shirt makes you look like a stick of Fruit Stripe gum.
ERIC: God, what did you have for breakfast this morning — Carnation Instant Bitch?

DONNA: I don't know what Eric's problem is. I wasn't being a bitch, was I?
JACKIE: Oh. Donna, I know from bitch, and yes — yes, you were. But I feel much closer to you now.

LEO: Okay. We're all done.
KITTY: But you've only been here a day.
LEO: Well, you know what they say: Rome was built in a day.
RED: No. Uh, ''Rome wasn't built in a day.''
LEO: Oh? Well, your basement was built in a day.

Eliminated in Round 10

THEO: No need to thank me.
RED: Oh, we won't. Because you didn't do anything, hophead.
THEO: Oh, look! It's art! I moved everything in this basement ... two inches to the left.
KITTY: Oh, yeah.
THEO: I call it Basement: Two Inches to the Left.
LEO: It's wild, huh? I mean, it's like … where are you?

Eliminated in Round 7

Eliminated in Round 11

ERIC: They split on you? Oh, man.
HYDE: Oh, man. See, this is why I didn't wanna tell you. I knew you'd get all Afterschool Special on me.
ERIC: Me? Please. [Hugs Hyde from the back. It's okay. You're home now.
HYDE: Get off me, man.
ERIC: No, you let me love you, orphan boy! Don't hide from your feelings!

DONNA: Look, I'm sorry I've been so...
ERIC: Bitchy? Yeah, I hadn't noticed. Who said bitchy?
DONNA: Yeah, well, it turns out that there are some lingering feelings or something. Not real feelings. Just, like, lingering urges. But they're just lingering feelings. They're not actual feelings. I just wanna make that very clear.
ERIC: You have. By using the word 'lingering, like, six times.

Eliminated in Round 1
s h e feels like l i f e and she feels like h o m e
she feels like I don’t have a single reason left to roam
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