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Old 08-13-2017, 12:38 PM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Feb 2014
Posts: 500
Making jump from the old forum...

...about the most recent episode 705, there are parts I loved. Louis was definitely a highlight--he kept his word with Harvey (albeit barely), did not let the similarities to his relationship with Tara send him over the edge, acted professionally regarding Paula's situation with her ex, and apologized for his recent outburst to his therapist. Louis is growing up, and I think his relationship with Harvey is maturing too. Louis will always have a tendency to let his emotions control him, but I appreciate that he is trying to react to painful or uncomfortable situations more rationally.

I also loved Rachel standing up to Mike. In earlier seasons, my feelings were lukewarm toward Rachel, mostly because I thought her character not as well developed as the others, but she's come a long way in recent seasons, personally and professionally. She stands up for herself, including with Mike. Hopefully, he will listen to her about lying to Harvey, and about the untenable situation his lying has put her in. I also love how her relationship with her father has progressed.

(Though Mike/Jenny were adorable, I'm not sure Jenny would've been able to keep Mike's secret for as long as Rachel did. Mike/Katrina, meh. I love Katrina as a character, but I actually prefer her chemistry with Rachel--Katrina and Rachel are a potential dynamic duo, if only AS could work on Suits more often.)

I mostly loved Donna, especially her last scene with Harvey, but Donna (like Harvey and Mike) is still uncomfortable in her new position as COO. I like how she listened to the viewpoint of the prospective employee despite misgivings, and I like that Harvey is giving her space to make mistakes and find her own way. Donna does deserve more than being at Harvey's beck-and-call, and he earns major points for respecting that.

Mike intentions are good, but he's "helping" in almost every wrong way possible. He's taking advantage of Harvey's trust, putting Rachel's job at risk by forcing her to lie to her boss (though I don't think Harvey would fire Rachel), jeopardizing the reputation of both the firm and the clinic by pursuing a case that represents a huge conflict of interest, risking losing the monetary gain already offered to the family of the murdered prison inmate, and foolishly trying to cut a deal with Frank Gallo, of all people. Mike is in serious need of a reality check.

Last edited by DiamondGirl5; 08-13-2017 at 12:45 PM
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