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Old 06-03-2017, 05:25 AM
Part-Time Fan
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Originally Posted by Scribbled Pretty (View Post)
Oh wow, I haven't even thought of this. This is an answer I've never heard before, and I can see why normally exes should stay out of current relationships but Katherine was a unique situation, and it probably hurt for Elena to find out the person she just slept with also had slept with someone who looks exactly like her. I know it would rub me the wrong way.

I think I'm surprised at your answer because while that wasn't okay, it sure is easy to overlook when you get a look at the bigger picture and the other things that weren't okay that were much bigger so if this scene is what ruined SE for you, did you just continue watching th show anyway? I know for a lot of people they watch for that "ship" they love, I watched it for Nina were there any other pairings you appreciated?
Was there anything Stefan could do to "redeem" himself for you to consider liking SE again? Sorry for all the questions Imane, I just love these discussions
On the show?No one or maybe Matt. Why?Because regardless of how much she loved both Damon and Stefan, what I saw was that Matt was the special one but we were supposed to ignore it.

1)Matt is the one she died for
2)Seeing Matt getting killed/hurt is what brought her humanity back on
But they chose to ignore that and have them behave as just friends.

Since Matt wasn't an option, she should have kicked them both to the curb and moved on. After all, Elena was just 17 when she met Stefan, barely 23 when she was put in coma.You don't usually meet the one at that age and Damon/Delena was dead at 2x1.So by the end of s3 both stelena and delena were dead for me
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