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Old 05-01-2017, 04:47 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Nov 2016
Posts: 424
Darnley clearly doesn't like to be emasculated, but I want to believe that he would be content to share power with Mary and rule by her side. If Mary had given him more hope that one day he could be her true partner, perhaps he would not have been tempted to take that meeting with the Vatican. I just meant that I don't think he went into that meeting with a malicious intent.
Darnley is the one that broke all the trust and Mary didn't owe him anything at that point in my opinion. He had done nothing at that point to regain her trust. She even told him she wanted to forgive and that she wanted forgiveness and you heard him...he was basically like 'fat chance of that.'

Prior to Keira, the Vatican, and the drunken wedding she had been more than ready to give him her heart and to jointly rule as partners. He screwed up, he knows that and he's trying to fix it. It just takes time. If the Vatican meeting wasn't malicious then why to go such extremes to hide it from Mary and everyone?

It's ok though, we can agree to disagree. I'm always going to be on Mary's side when it comes to Darnley. I really enjoy him but I don't trust him at all. He's weak and easily manipulated. I always sympathize with the woman

BTW, Congratulations on having another baby boy on the way! That's amazing.
Thank you
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