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Old 12-01-2016, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by De Medici Queen (View Post)
you and GG ...
Thank you for your patience, Issi. I hope you that understand it all someday.

Originally Posted by kategrinstead (View Post)
So I assume you're a Jess fan, Keri? Did you binge them all at once or did you take your time?
I am. I blame Milo. And the fact that I was a young high-school girl when I was first introduced to Jess Mariano. OF COURSE I would fall hard for the sad, brooding, snarky "bad boy." Seriously though... I love the character so much. I love his intelligence and his humor. Most of all, I love his journey. Watching Jess' growth and character development has been one of the most satisfying parts of the show for me. He's gone from an angry punk kid to a caring man who his friends and family can count on. I'm so proud. I was obviously disappointed that we only got a few Jess scenes in the revival, but I loved everything we were given. Jess and Luke's relationship is the BEST.

I've always rooted for Rory and Jess's relationship, too. For me, the episodes showcasing them and their early relationship (and all of the drama with Dean) were the "glory days" of the show - when my love and obsession with Gilmore Girls was at it's peak. I've never been able to shake this couple - after all these years. The chemistry, the angst. I'll admit that Jess was a pretty terrible boyfriend when he was a messed up 17-year-old kid. He didn't deserve her back then. (Maybe she doesn't deserve him now?) But she believed in him when no one else did, and she inspired him to grow up and get his life together. He couldn't have written his book or started his publishing company without her. And he inspires her and challenges her to be the BEST version of herself. Encouraging her to return to Yale and reconcile with Lorelai. Suggesting that she write a book about her and mom. Those are just two examples. He understands her (perhaps better than anyone...besides Lorelai), and he is able to get through to her when no one else can - helping her to get her life back on track when she's gone off the rails. For so many reasons, I think Rory and Jess just... FIT together. I can't help but hope that one day they will both figure that out.

Obviously, this is all just my opinion and everyone is free to ignore my rant. Like I said on the Frary thread, I honestly love and appreciate Rory's relationships with all of her guys. Logan is amazing! He's charming and fun, and his world is larger than life and full of adventure and excitement. I just don't know if Rory belongs in that world, or if that is what will make her truly happy in the end. If you tell me that Logan is going to step up and fight to build a life with Rory and their child.... then I will support that 100%. I just want them all to find happiness in the end.

To answer your second question, Kate... I was not able to binge all 4 episodes at once. I watched the first 2 episodes on Saturday, and the last 2 episodes on Sunday. I was grateful that I took that small break.

Last edited by kerbear28; 12-01-2016 at 07:28 PM
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