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Old 08-22-2016, 11:59 AM
Elite Fan

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Joined: Oct 2013
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Thank you so much Podmom and MyrnaLynne for your kind words and encouragement!! Everyone on the course seems really nice, and most people are around my age which is a relief as I was worried I would be old!! There's actually a couple of women and men in their 40's. For post graduate teaching I think they like you to have some life experience, so it's very unusual to get a place as soon as you've finished your first degree. So that's nice!

Dentist Friday I hate going...such a wuss when it comes to my teeth! It was only done a few months ago so I hope they don't expect me to pay again.

MyrnaLynne how crazy the cats have the same name!!! It's meant to be.

Glad office mate is okay!! That must have been scary!

Podmom glad the dinner went well. Very nice of you all to do that
"I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself."~ Nelson Mandela.
"I'm getting ready to yank a kidney out of a mentally retarded guy who doesn't know any better. I'm a humanitarian. Didn't you know that?" - Charlotte King.
Cooper - 'I don't know where i'm headed.' Charlotte - 'Do I look like a GPS to you?'
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