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Old 05-26-2016, 11:42 AM
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Joined: Mar 2016
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Originally Posted by Speedychatterbox (View Post)
In my opinion, Pacey did not need Joey to be happy. Unless one is a diehard PJ fan, Pacey being written and portrayed in the series finale to be completely over Joey and happy enjoying the single life or being in a committed loving relationship with a woman he adores and adores him back would not have been unbelievable.
That wouldn't have been unbelievable at all. I mean, it's five years!
Problem is, the script tells us otherwise. Believable or not, Pacey was not over Joey during this five years (and she wasn't either), and that makes a reunion in the finale with Andie quite difficult. How would you explain the audience (and the audience had a majority of Pacey/Joey-Fans or at least diehard Pacey-Fans like me), that his feelings changed all of sudden? Maybe it's not impossible, but you would have need more than this scene with Andie (although I LOVE this scene!) to make it believable .

Originally Posted by Speedychatterbox (View Post)
A pandie romance ending is only unbelievable to some because Andie was written out in s4 for pretty much the duration of the show, and in s3 pandie had little interaction. If Andie remain on the show in s4 and for the show's duration, and the fans got to see pandie rebuilt back up then a pandie ending would not be so unbelievable. Pacey was written to be over Andie, so most fans would need to see Pacey falling for Andie all over again and being written to be certain that she was the one for him. Andie is a wonderful woman and I could easily buy Pacey falling for her after spending loads of time with her.
That is, in my opinion, absolutely true. My sentiments exactly!
And by the way, I would have loved to see them rebuild their fantastic relationship like this.

Anyway for me the show ended season four when Andie came back from Italy and Pacey told her how much she meant to him and that he would have not made it with out her.(not the exact words), and Dawson and Joey were snogging in Dawson's bedroom.
It's not really my ending, because Pacey is too sad and too destroyed after season 4 to accept this as an ending, he needs to prove he is not just a failure first, but I really love these scenes when Andie came back in season 4. It was so nice to see a happy Pacey after all the drama. After the promicide-nightmare it was lovely to see how uncomplicated it is between Pacey and Andie. And I'm always melting when they hug the first time.

During my season-2-rewatch, I realize again, how much I love this couple. I like Joey/Pacey as well, they had their moments, but Pacey/Andie is very special. I watched the scene today when Andie confesses to Dawson that she likes Pacey. That was the scene where she conquered my heart, she was just so adorable!
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