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Old 03-04-2016, 08:52 PM
New Fan
Joined: May 2015
Posts: 37
omgomgomgomomgomg!!! klaus left with baby hope AND HAYLEY?!!

Oh elijah...the moment he said he tried. broke me. that man is so sad. someone give me him some love already! screw hayley! lols.

poor kol. it's okay to drink blood dude, why are you so shy now that you're in love? but gotta say, i choked up when he asked about rebekah. so cute. so does he know that she's peacefully daggered? he knows about the curse, but did freya say the WHOLE truth?

finn is back??? O_____O dang. we need klaus the most here and he's gone! what family feud without him? Lol.
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