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Old 12-31-2015, 05:26 PM
fleur captives
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"If our positions were reversed, I wouldn't want you to burn me at the stake for something I've done. I like it better when it's 'judge not lest ye be judged' not 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,'" Liz, always honest with her feelings, had no qualms about telling people what she thought of them, good or bad. Phillip Sinclaire deserved what he got, or so the thought at one point in time, remembering vividly how Adrienne hoped for something bad to befall him. His actions had wounded her sister deeply, changing Adrienne completely, and that had been a difficult thing to watch. Liz had no love lost for him on that account but she wasn't about to stand in front of him like her father would, Ford would, Adrienne herself would and tear him limb for limb when it was clear he was trying to make a difference in his life. In Liz's estimation, there was nothing wrong with that, it was just a terrible thing that he had to hurt her sister in order to get there.

"People make mistakes -- it's that whole "being people" thing. And they can learn from them, provided they try to," Liz trailed off, looking away as she remembered her initial intent in leaving the conversation, and started moving in that direction once more. God only knows I've tried to, she almost wanted to add, but stopped short, as her attempts at walking the straight and narrow were laughable at best compared to Matthew Gallagher - newly reformed bad boy of yore whose response to their misadventures paled in comparison to her own - or Phillip Sinclaire's himself, doing two tours in Iraq and earning a Purple Heart. Somehow, not getting high or drinking to her heart's content before any and all family functions didn't even seem to be in the same realm as their attempts at righting their wrongs ... and Elizabeth was hardly the smartest Delongpre by far but it didn't take a genius to figure out that the Delongpres would not be keen on either Matt or Phil anytime soon, no matter what they tried to accomplish as penance for their sins.

"But the bigger mystery here tonight is not how I am going to walk in these, or if Grandmother will make good on some good old-fashioned revenge a'la Carrie ... it's what kind of trouble your brother is going to get up to," her eyes were alight with mischief, a throwback to the Liz of old who was always up to something and it was never, ever good. This time, that look was reserved for the other wrong-doers in their circle, not Liz Delongpre in her last year of law school, who drank water only at events, and hadn't been on a date her father did not somehow broker in over five years. "It will be a wonder if Elizabeth-the-older doesn't banish you all from her home for it if he does. Only time will tell."
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