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Old 10-13-2015, 07:08 PM
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Joined: May 2015
Posts: 37
I don't blame caitlin, because just like she said, "it gets easier every day" aka, it gets easier every time. Poor lad dies so many times.

Looks like they are setting up Patty as Barry's new romance?

what doesn't sit well with me is iris' role in all this. does she work anymore? that one-on-one convo was kinda awkward since anyone of them could have said the same thing to Barry. they didn't need to leave the room.

and poor cisco, afraid of being one of the evil things created by wells.

DR. WELLS!! OMG. So surprised to see him at the end there! Looking a lot thinner but still very handsome. His "hi kids" was creepy though. LOL
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