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Old 10-10-2014, 08:18 AM
brave princess
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Originally Posted by MysticRiver (View Post)
I think a majority of the conversations between Bellamy and Clarke have been about the 100; hopefully we'll see some of that shift in S2 and it just be about them.
I agree. It goes back to what Bruce Miller said in the interview that we got all of those wonderful quotes about Bellarke from. They may not be talking about their lives on the Ark or getting to know each other in that sense but the level of trust that they've built leading the 100 together has made them closer than having those conversations could. I am hoping that we'll get some more personal stuff in season 2 with them. I'm hoping having Kane/Abby around brings them even closer and they confide in each other more. There are things that the others just wouldn't understand about the choices that Bellamy and Clarke had to make before Mt Weather.

Looks like we can move on to a new round!
we need each other, bellamy
the only way we're going to get through this is together
Amy | visit The 100 | Icon: Voldara
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