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Old 06-16-2014, 05:41 PM
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Yeah, it looks like you're having a Dy/K moment there, Jaime.

Even though I wrote those season descriptions, I'm afraid to reread them cause I know I'll want them edited. Simple, brief, easy to understand … though these are not exactly the qualities of Dylan and Kelly or their relationship, lol. Well I'm glad they still make sense (and can still literally be read, given their small size now).

I understand everything you said.

She surrounded herself with people but not many real close friends.
Just like it was implied that Dylan had been with many women, but was never in love with them. And his bogus friends from ep. 2 which he didn't respect but still hung around for the company.

The Walshes became family to all the gang but I feel closest to Dylan and Kelly at the start.
At the start and I think always. Dylan, practically Jim's second son. And Kelly, dropping by in S5 to grovel over a pint of ice cream talking about body issues with Cindy. Donna and David don't do this. I think their runner-up would be Steve. Andrea can handle herself.

It must have hurt losing that. It's good Dy/K still had each other to lean on at least some of those times.
Dylan feeling that loss is part of what leads him directly to Kelly, to lean on each other exactly as you say. It feels like such a logical transition to me. Being courted by the Walsh family helped Dylan and Kelly rediscover each other and see all the parallels that the audience sees.

I'm also reminded how in Senior Poll Kelly was voted for most beautiful and Dylan most handsome. That's how their peers saw them in general.
Yep. It's important to remember that it's not just Kelly's issue with regard to this. The difference, of course (which I love)? Dylan could give a f---. He's here to teach Kelly how to be free of all this.

About Dy/B in Mexico vs. pregnancy scare, I kinda feel like the former is worse because that's where a betrayal exists. Pregnancy would be unintentional.
✗ Mel
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