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Old 05-07-2014, 08:28 PM
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Joined: Apr 2014
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Originally Posted by mmmbacon (View Post)
So I finally got my thoughts in order about this past episode:

What. The. Hell. Was. That?!

Klaus - Never have I ever seen him so OOC. He would never have trusted a witch, let alone one he knows was pissed off at him, use his blood. I don't care if it was because it was between Hayley (baby) and him for the spell to work there's no way he would have handed over his blood without a second thought. He didn't even know how the spell worked. Him being the most paranoid creature in the world would have known exactly why his blood was necessary for the spell. Made zero sense.

Elijah - Thought this was the episode he would reclaim his BAMF crown, but that didn't happen. As much as I wanted to enjoy his scenes of destroying all the vampires I couldn't because of one simple thing: He needed Hayley to tell him not to hold back. So basically she allowed him to take his balls back from her to kick some ass. No thanks. There's no way I could ever enjoy Elijah's scenes after that. What were the writers thinking?

Hayley - Meh. She was just there for decoration and a contrived way for EH to have scenes and become the Daphne of the group by getting kidnapped. I'm tired of the writers making her a badass one minute then a damsel the next. Pick one. Is she able to fight and be a BAMF or does she become the Daphne/Princess Peach of the gang and get kidnapped every five minutes. If you want me to care about this character why don't you stay consistent with her?

Ginger - Well damn. You betray Klaus, which I would have been fine with if it was purely a survival thing because you have to kill his demon spawn, but because they made her excuse being she felt scorned and jealous...bleh. Not here for the scorned woman thing. They tried that with Rebekah and it failed so why try it with Ginger? I really hope she dies next episode cause I can't take it anymore.

Marcel - Why are you alive? The guy has just been acting like a brat the whole time wanting to keep his toys and not share. Screw that. Over Marcel and his need to take back NOLA. He can't work with Klaus and he can't take what Klaus wants so just leave. Or die, at this point I don't care as long as you are gone.

Camille - are you involved? You are such a boring character that when you try to be important you just sound pathetic. The whole thing with her protecting Marcel from Elijah just looked stupid. No one care about you Grandma so go home already.

Davina - Gurl. I swear you need to put your bitch pants on and mess Klaus up for what he did to Josh. I also would love her to slap Monique around a bit too.

Josh - I want you to live. I need him to be saved cause damn he is so awesome. Seriously he and Davina are the only secondary characters that are worth my time. Hell I would love for them to replace some of these "leads" too.

Mikael - Manipulating a teenage girl to do what you want, very nice. I love Mikael only because of Sebastian. Honestly if he was played by anyone else I would want him super dead. Mikael really needs to come back and kick some ass. Maybe with a true villain the show can bring this back to the siblings and not the lameness of every supporting character.

Francesca - Didn't expect you to be a wolf, but did expect the double-cross. Well played.

Jackson/Kurt Cobain Wanna-be - Meh. No one cares.

So to sum everything up this is what the episode made me feel:

Great review LMAO!

I said this the moment they spun this show off, and its totally played out. Create the post powerful character in TVD mythos (Klaus) everybody tried to kill him and fails, big him up even more that he is invulnerable, I mean seriously is there anybody that can take this guy down?! No we knew that going into the pilot, spend 20 episodes having him take take take takes kick everybodys ass, and then BANG episode 21 create some totally lame totally OOC moment where he gives his blood away for a spell and now he is weak and no longer a threat.....

Thats what we waited 21 episodes for, to watch the most powerful creature in TVD/TO be taken down by a blood spell he agreed to on a whim, AWESOME im so glad i tuned in!
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