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Old 06-14-2013, 12:02 PM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Jun 2013
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They probably are going to try to be low-key, but really aside from being on separate continents right now (which we know is for work) and not tweeting each other directly (which was kind of rare anyway), they're not doing anything that different. Their families and friends are still interacting with them on Twitter, Ian is still telling Nina stories at cons and made an indirect reference to her on Twitter with that "in bed with Katherine" tweet even though Nina's not in the photo, Nina is tweeting pics of her kid Moke, and they stayed professional in front of everyone at upfronts but were affectionate at the private parties, from what we've heard. All typical behavior. They seem to have bouts of public affection but never really in front of media as a rule, and they probably changed their behavior a bit after the breakup rumors so it's impossible to say if we would have gotten anything else if those hadn't come out. It's cool enough we got Penshoppe, which was a total shock, and would have gotten Barcelona if not for Ian's meetings canceling that.

I don't much mind not getting lots of pics and stuff as long as I know they are together...which I'm pretty confident at this point that they are. Let's say 99% so I leave a margin for error.
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