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Old 05-24-2013, 02:56 PM
Obsessed Fan

Joined: May 2012
Posts: 5,552
Well no one knows anything really. I mean we only know what we've heard and seen and what vibe Ian and Nina have given off.

For me, personally, I don't think they were in all that good of a place in their relationship before the Upfronts and even during the Upfronts. Their tweets reflect the kind of mindset of "not thinking about you...not thinking about you...look here I am doing other i am NOT THINKING ABOUT YOU."

Then after the one late night Upfront party I think they started to confront each other, maybe a little bit of alcohol helped in that process and things started to be a bit more normal. Nina's tweets have been more normal IMO and Ian seems to be a bit more relaxed more recently. But we don't really know what;s going on and the media certaintly doesn't know either because the last time they actually saw the two of them was at the Upfronts which as I said above...I don't think they were in a good place at of course the media is going to continue to state that it's over and that things are strained because that's all they've seen at this point.
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