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Old 05-16-2013, 04:47 PM
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Joined: Nov 2012
Posts: 557
Originally Posted by D&E (View Post)
But how many times can you go out with your girlfriends before that gets boring too? And it's not like Nina was closed off somewhere, she had girl weekends all the time.

And how do you not feel tied down at 20 but do at 24? Nina would have to do a complete 180 on her personality to now all of a sudden want different things, I can get wanting different things in terms of a relationship, like I get if she wants a less serious relationship or something, I don't get replacing a relationship with girlfriends, it's just weird to me.

On the topic of Julianne, I doubt Julianne herself is going to remain single for long, she's just going to get a different one than she had with Ryan.
Well when she was 20/21, her relationship with Ian was just beginning. It was fresh and exciting. Maybe she just got bored of being with the same guy for so long? I don't know, they seemed so happy together not too long ago. I'm just trying to think of any sort of reason this could have happened

I would not be surprised if they get back together. Maybe Nina just needs to be free and go out and have fun this summer. Maybe that's what she needs to realize she has a great relationship. I mean, I sure do appreciate my boyfriend more when I go out and get hit on by the creepiest people...
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