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Old 05-16-2013, 04:42 PM
Obsessed Fan

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Originally Posted by D&E (View Post)
I will never believe Nina is OK, to believe that is to believe that she was never in love with him and I don't believe that, and it's not like I can't believe that she would ever fall out of love with him (well I can't believe anyone would fall out of love with him but that's another story lol) it's that no one falls out of love in this short amount of time influence or no influence.

I'm having a hard time getting this Nina wants to experience different things too though, not saying it's not possible but seriously who wants to be single? lol And what exactly is Ian standing in the way of other than that?
Honestly? and again I am not blaming anyone...okay?

I think Ian isn't very happy with Nina's priorities right now. She's all about (and Peach already said this) going to red carpet events meeting with every fan, getting all dressed up, being seen in every which way.

This is a marked difference than how she used to be. Nina used to run from the paps. She was very very private and I think this summer has brought out this wild girl in her to go roam free and do things and be SEEN all of the time.

I think that tweet from Ian about people changing was about Nina in that Nina was changing into someone he just couldn't have a relationship with at this time and that hurts to see and it hurts to hear from Nina's ends. It just hurts and when people get hurt they get angry and I think she's angry. period.

again i'm not saying Nina is to blame here...because she is so young and she is allowed to change and make mistakes we all are but sometimes relationships suffer because of it.

Now maybe once she gets back to set and starts working with these people again and once Ian goes back to set and they (most likely) fight it out...they may start again but thay may not happen because after really reading all of this stuff and seeing these tweets and everything...i'm not even sure I would call then friends at this pint in time.
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