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Old 04-03-2013, 08:59 PM
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Joined: Mar 2012
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I don’t like the way Oliver talks to Felicity sometimes but if you think about it deeply I’m sure it must be a reason for that…

First, he doesn’t need to lie to her or pretend to be someone that he is not so he is completely sincere with her. Yes, sometimes is quite annoying but he is also truthful.

Second, every one of her words touches him deeply in his soul and heart. She challenges him that’s why he reacts like this… we all do the same when someone tell us a truth that we don’t want to hear, right? We get mad because we know that are right and it hurts.

Third, Felicity was talking to him as a friend, with sweet and candid words but he felt he doesn’t deserve this because he “fail” his city… That’s why he reacted that way. Oliver is changing, is becoming a better person and I’m sure that Felicity it’s one of the main reasons of it.

I love how he changed his mind about killing The Count… I’m sure that if the same thing happens before teaming with Felicity he won’t have seconds thoughts killing him.

Felicity is helping Oliver being a better person. She is the one helping him leaving the island, not Laurel.

BTW, she is deeply falling in love with him… Oh my, and I’m scared that she is going to suffer and I don’t want it. The way she moves around him, how she always tries to get closer to him, the way she looks at him… It breaks my heart but makes me happy at the same time.

Let’s hope Laurel+tommy+Oliver triangle finishes at the end of this season so we can have our FRESH START with one of the best couple on TV right now.

Olicity Forever!
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