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Old 10-08-2005, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by hammergal2004
Posted this over at the Auror thread on the Harry board. Thought I'd put it here, too!

It's quite amazing to me how all the directors see H/Hr and I've said it before but I'll say it again...for us H/Hr shippers to get the movie visuals is quite a bonus for us. I love the written word but it's so much more fun to see actors portraying the characters and Dan and Emma do such an amazing job with Harry and Hermione.

Movies adapted from books CAN be changed, it is the screenplay writer's perogative to interpret the book as he/she sees it. I have rarely seen a movie adapted from a book come out exactly as the author wrote it. It is often the case that 2 people can read the same book and come up with different interpretations of it.

A lot of shippers in HP fandom seem to feel that JKR has settled the shipper wars. Has she? As has been pointed out many times...H/G have broken up and R/Hr still have not happened. At least not on the page where the reader can see it. You can imagine it, but it's not written. And then she supports the way the movies portray the character dynamics? Despite the Interview of Doom, I'm still convinced that she's playing us still.

With one more book to go, we still need to remember that all along she's been the master of deception. I have read some very indepth posts over on Harmony that basically dissect HBP and I will admit they have some amazing analysis going on. If you agree with most of them, then HBP was a mess and JKR strayed way off the path when it comes to her characters. But I'm holding on to JKR saying that "anything is possible and nothing is as it seems."

I know the hardest thing to accept is that if we just had HBP to go on, we would still be debating with the other shippers that JKR is writing H/Hr just as vehemently as we did in the past. That we have "the interview" to deal with is disheartening. But I think we're still shipping H/Hr as much as ever and even have many new H/Hr shippers. Isn't that something? What does that tell you?

I'll tell you. H/Hr is not dead. It is still alive and whatever JKR's intentions were she has managed to not only not kill the shipper wars but has inflamed them! More than ever I am so bothered that she would allow the tone of the interview to be that way and to say some of the things that were said. Because there are too many people who read her books and saw the relationship between Harry and Hermione as deep and much more satisfying than any other one in the books. Come on! No writer is that clever to write that over five books by accident!!

And now we have the third director to see the H/Hr dynamic for what it truly is!!! Are they delusional too? I think not. They certainly have more credentials behind them than any of us. And kudos to Steve Kloves for seeing it, too. Seems there are a lot of delusional folks in HP land.

So I will continue to ship H/Hr to the end. No matter what JKR writes...I will read book 7 to see how the plot all wraps up. It doesn't matter a whit to me what happens...H/Hr have a solid relationship between them that can last. Hermione KNOWS Harry, what did she say at the end of HBP? When Harry said he was not coming back (to Hogwarts) even if it does reopen...she said, "I knew you were going to say that."

That's the beauty of H/Hr. Their relationship is beyond their years and they only have to grow up a bit more to realize what they have. And even if it doesn't get written that way, I'll always believe that that's what happens.

For now, I'll just sit back and enjoy the movie! Because I know we're going to love it! It will be like a balm to our wounds.

Harry loves Hermione, forever.

@beholder: Gorgeous/Perfect Avie..

@Sharon: you are genius...did I ever tell you that. It is true that we "H/hr shipper" never sunk and it is bonus that producer, screenwriter and director of Hps movie, see and hear what "We" seem about "H/hr' all along...that these two magical couple, belong together from think to thin, to death to Us-part. Perfect!

I never, ever thought that for million of years that H/hr sunk from HBP. I thought that they are stronger, closer more then ever..and for R/hr they are one who is "sunking" I don't see how these two will "Get together" I don't read that impression, because Harry/Hermione they will go in this deadly mission to look, for those seven soul of voldermort. I am sure Harry/Hermione's need, supported and love each other more to find and kill Dark lord.

Do you think? that Hermione had time to "Date" Ron, when Harry is only thing? that Hermione seem to "focus" on and he is her main concern,..and she doesn't have time to thinks about herself forget about thinking about Ron.
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