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Old 02-13-2013, 03:52 AM
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Monique just finished her taping report. Sounds like a funny episode.

And I love the TAG

EDIT: Monique gave her OK to copy and paste the report wherever we want, so thats what I'm doing right now

The Contractual Obligation Implementation

Scene 1:

Sheldon & Leonard's Apartment.

Leonard: I know you guys don't wanna do this but we have no choice. You can grumble, drag your feet...
Howard: I got grumble, Sheldon, you got drag your feet?
Sheldon: I prefer to belly-ache.
Leonard: it's in our contract to serve under the university committee.

Basically, they have been given the task of inspiring women to pursue science careers. Sheldon & Howard aren't looking forward to it. Howard then moves forward to the TV to hook up the Xbox so he and Sheldon can play it since they're not interested.

Sheldon *to Leonard*: You're the smart kid doing all the work while the smarter kids sit back and watch. I don't appreciate being forced to do banal committee work.
Howard *to Sheldon*: You think I'm smart?
Sheldon: No, you're just a tool I'm using to make my point.

Scene 2:

Sheldon & Leonards Apartment.

Leonard: Our topic is to encourage women in science. Can you guys not play that sexist game?

*Cuts to the TV screen which shows Sheldon & Howards characters fighting each other. Two women with HUGE breasts.*

Sheldon: How is it sexist? *He makes some comment here that I forgotten but it was a positive about his female character*

Howard then makes a comment about his characters breasts being so large they could have enough milk for 30 and then some left over to open up her on Baskin Robbins. LOL! Sheldon then adds on to Howards remark but I forgot what he said exactly.

Leonard then reminds Sheldon of the fact that he's always talking about how much smarter he is than Leonard so does he have any ideas for this project? Sheldon then says that it would be better to start young middle school aged women to inspire them into the sciences. Leonard likes the idea. Howard then suggests that maybe they can go to his old Middle School and teach the girls there. Sheldon then says that he has to google how to do it. He begins to type, "how to do i get 12 year old girls excited?" Leonard and Howard run over to him, "Noooo!"

Scene 3:

Penny's Apartment:

Raj: Thanks for letting me crash your girls night.
Penny: Are you kidding? You brought fancy wine and made fondue. I've slept with guys for less!

*Raj, Amy & Bernie look at her likes she's nuts*

Penny: It's a joke!!!....based on real events.

Raj: can I pick your brains a little?

He explains that he wants to plan a "killer" 1st date for Lucy, a girl who has crippling social anxiety issues where she can't be around people.

Amy then mentions how women like "danger" and she suggested some crazy, off the wall type of possible date ideas for Raj including, "wine tasting on Skid Row."

Bernie suggested Disneyland. Raj could take her on Space Mountain and when she get scared she can get close to him and rest her head on his shoulders. Penny then mentions that Space Mountain is a shorter ride than one would think AND it takes a picture of you at the end so she warned them all make sure they have their clothes back on before that happens.

*They all look at her like she's nuts again*

Penny: It's a joke!!!....based on real events.

Raj argues that Disneyland doesn't sound like a good idea. Too many people...just like in India. Suddenly, the girls get lost in their own world, talking about Disneyland and how they all should ditch work one day and go. Raj gets annoyed.

Raj *to the girls*: I thought we were trying to solve my problems??

The girls agree and it gets silent for a moment as they try to think of ideas for him.

Amy *to Penny*: so are we just doing Disney or California Adventure too?

Raj: *Angry & annoyed face*

Scene 4:

Howard's Old Middle School. Sheldon, Leonard & Howard enter the halls.

Leonard: Nice of your old school to let us try out out old science talk out on the female students.
Howard: I was their favorite Alumni...well, if you don't count the serial killer who ate all those students (is that what he said, Kellee? LOL)

Sheldon makes a comment about it must be great for the school to have someone who graduated and later became an astronaut...something along those lines.

Howard: The last time I was here I was a scrawny little nerd.
Leonard: Now you're just a nerd.
Howard: Oh, look! There's my old locker. I'm an engineer and I'll never be able to figure out how Scott Pepenski shoved me into a suit case and then into my locker.

Scene 5:

Bernadette's car.

Amy *excited*: I can't believe I ditched work for Disneyland!

Bernadette then asks each girl what excuses they gave their bosses. Amy called into work because of food poisoning story she made up over multiple phone calls and Penny simply said to her boss, "Bye!"

Next, they start discussing what they're gonna do at Disneyland.

Bernie: I'm gonna make a B-line for a Disney Princess Makeover.
Penny: We're not gonna get drunk and go on rides??

Bernie then explains more about the princess makeovers, how it works, etc. and calls dibs on Cinderella. Penny argues and asks her why does she get to be Cinderella and she replies that, she's driving, it's her car and that's why.

Raj *to the man*: Excuse me? I'm meeting a girl here. It's kind of our first date.
Man: in a library?
Raj: we're socially awkward. Seems like a good idea.
Man: me too, can I join?

Raj then tells the big, tall man to leave and climb back up whatever beanstalk he came from.

Offended, the man gets up and begins to leave. Lucy enters and Raj see's her. They smile to each other.

Man *to Lucy about Raj*: you can do better.

Lucy walks over to Raj at the table and see's the picnic set-up.

Lucy: we're eating here??

Raj pulls out his phone and texts Lucy.

Lucy texts Raj: a texting date? I'd love that.
Raj texts Lucy: as you're reading, it will help to remember that I have an adorable accent.

*Lucy smiles*

*the classroom full of girls look at him like he's nuts and the room is silent*

He spends another 10 seconds trying to get the girls excited before turning it over to Sheldon.

Sheldon: hello female students.

Sheldon goes on to talk about Madame Curie and how she's a hero of science was poisoned to death by her own discovery. He said something like, "...and some day that can be you too." to the girls. LOL.

Sheldon *to Leonard*: are we done? can we go?

Scene 8:

Middle School Classroom. Leonard, Sheldon & Howard are inside with the female students.

Howard: you can go to space too! Look at me! I put my pants on one leg at a time like everyone else. I went to this very school. Those desks you're sitting in? I got super glued to one of those desks. Questions??

He gets asked if he flew the rocket among other questions and then a girl says, "So, you're like flight my uncle."

Howard *annoyed*: Yes, but I didn't serve NUTS!!! (or whatever the hell he says)

Leonard takes over and talks about how both his parents are scientists and they sort have led him into it.

Leonard: well, more like pushed...

He goes onto discuss that his true dream was to become a rapper like Eminem but with glasses.

*does a little rap that I can't remember*

*students stare at him like he's crazy as well as Sheldon & Howard*

Leonard: come on you guys, that was good. *awkward silence* Who knows what an atom is???

Scene 9:

University Library. Raj & Lucy. They're still texting each other...

Raj: My dads a gynecologist in India so if you are ever over there and need a check up, as he likes to say, he's at your cervix.

*They both laugh*

Raj: most people don't appreciate puns.
Lucy: those people should be pun-ished.

*They both laugh*

Raj: so what do you do?
Lucy: web design.
Raj: anything I might have seen?
Lucy: I don't know, you ever look at any porn sites?
Raj: *trying to hide a guilty look on his face* nooo, never.
Lucy: whoops, that was auto-correct. I meant prom sites.
Raj: Ooooo, fuun. I love prom! The romance, the gowns, it's like a fairy tale come true!

*Thinks about what he just said*

Raj: whoops, that was auto-correct. I meant I love sports.

Scene 10:

The guys are still in the middle school classroom with the girls. At this point, Leonard is sitting on the desk, emotional about his childhood and ranting to the girls about it. He mentioned that he never wanted to play that cello and that it sounded like a "suicidal bumble bee."

Sheldon: I don't know if women in general have been discouraged from pursuing the sciences but I know you all have (the girls in the classroom).

Since clearly everything that's happened in class has turned into a disaster, Sheldon comes up with the plan to call Amy and Bernadette, actual FEMALES in science.


The scene is the girls at Disneyland all made over to look like Disney Princesses. Beradette is Cinderella. Penny is Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) and Amy is Snow White (Each looks absolutely stunning by the way).

Sheldon calls Amy & Bernie and puts them on the phone (on speaker for the girls in class to listen to). He asks them a few questions and they respond.

Amy: as young girls, we are taught more about looks than what's in our minds *she says while touching up her Snow White lipstick. LOL*

Bernadette: you can be ANYTHING you want to be.

Penny *sitting on a bench eating popcorn*: except Cinderella....

Bernadette *to Penny*: come at me and see what happens!

Scene 11:

Raj & Lucy in the University Library.

Raj *texting Lucy*: this was really fun.
Lucy: *speaking* my battery is dying so I'll just talk. Thanks for today. I'm trying to do more things that scare me and coming here was definitely one of them.

(I can't remember if Raj says anything here...maybe he just smiles?)

Lucy:...but this was really nice so thanks and uhhhh *awkward* I'm gonna go....*she turns to leave and turns back* Maybe I can do one more scary thing before I go and give you a kiss good bye? I mean, if that's okay?

Raj is definitely okay with it. He closes his eyes, leans forward, puckers his lips. Lucy leans in ready to kiss him and then:

Lucy: Panic attack!!! *she runs away and I couldn't here what she said*
Raj: *smiling big* I'm counting that as foreplay.

Scene 12 (Tag):

All the guys and girls are back home from their long days out and about. First scene is Howard entering his and Bernie's appartment. Bernie is in her room and he says to himself, "Please be Cinderella, please be Cinderella!" She walks out as Cinderella and he rips off his shirt, pretends his a Prince on a horse and "gallops" over to her. Second scene is Leonard entering Penny's apartment. He begins to immediately talk about his day and is stopped dead in his tracks when he see's her as Princess Aurora. He too, starts taking off his clothes. LOL. Third scene is Amy lying on the couch in her Snow White if she is laying in a coffin like Snow White.

Amy: Sheldonnnn, all Snow White needs is one little kiss to wake up.

Sheldon *sitting at his desk on his laptop*: I heard you the first time.

Sheldon/Amy "We can find out together"

~Susanne ~

Last edited by smoguntia; 02-13-2013 at 04:00 AM
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