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Old 01-23-2013, 09:19 PM
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Joined: Mar 2012
Posts: 39
Chapter 6

It had been a long day, Whitney saw the last crew member leave. He was a friendly man, she waved him goodbye. She had to stay, because Kevin wanted to go over some of the scenes with her. The look in her eyes was bothering him. Kevin was nowhere in sight. Her two bodyguards were waiting outside for her. Just when she was getting nervous, she saw Kevin approach her with a big smile on his face and a big pizza box in his hands, he sat next to her.
Hey, Whitney.
Hmm, you're talking to me.
Yeah, you've come on time each day since that day you came so late.
Oh, man, it was a small incident.
One you won't tell me.
It doesn't have anything to do with the movie.
Kevin opened the pizza box and gave her a piece.
Do you like pizza.
Of course who doesn't? I like everything Italian.
Hmm, just like your Italian bodyguard in the movie.
You tell me , you came with the idea.
I'm just joking, Whitney. You did a wonderful job today.
Thanks, see, I'm not that bad after all.
I never said you were bad, I was just mad that you arrived so late on the set.
I apologize for that. There's so much you don't know about me.If people would just ask me things instead of judging me.
Okay, why do you love all things Italian?
Because I'm part Italian.
Very interesting.And why did you arrive so late that day?
I had a problem with a stalker and I had to get more bodyguards.
Kevin stopped eating and he stared at Whitney. He couldn't imagine this fragile creature facing stalkers.Suddenly he viewed her with very different eyes.
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