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Old 10-29-2012, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by warangel88 (View Post)
she didn't seem to have moved on at the beginning of the ep (Joanna called her on it)

But honestly I wouldn't date Tommy try and move on. (Considering he is similar to Oliver. Or the past Oliver)
I think the case is that Laurel is very clearly not over Oliver, but Tommy provides her with what she needs right now: an effort to be a good man and a fun, uncomplicated "relationship". Laurel is clearly in love with Oliver, and Tommy is, sadly, just a momentary thing. Sadly for him I mean, because I love Colin Donnell I think it's right that Laurel ends up with Oliver... they're clearly being painted as the "meant to be" couple. I don't know how the Tommy thing will end, but it's clear it will, it's got no chance of lasting from the start, sadly. And if you've seen the promo for Wednesday's episode (one image in particular)... you get what I mean (I don't have a screencap or I'd link to it). Oliver may have been horrible to her in the past, but he's a VERY changed man. Tommy in the meantime has been there for Laurel when both he and she were mourning Oliver's loss... I just think Tommy is someone she feels GOOD with. And of course her tie to him comes from the fact he's Oliver's best friend. Poor Tommy, doomed from the start I really do feel like he makes Lauren feel happy, and that's why she's giving it a chance (with probably also an "unintentional" hint of "this will drive Oliver crazy" )

I wonder where they're going with Tommy and Laurel, I feel like he's into it but she's not and was upset that Oliver didn't react more to finding out about them...
I agree, she was definitely upset when she found out Oliver didn't make a scene when he found out about them. She also realized that of course he knew (which he did)... and yes, she's definitely more perceptive than anyone else when it comes to Oliver.

I am actually enjoying the triangle because they're making it very clear what side it will end up on and at the same time, they're making Laurel and Tommy's relationship not something sleazy, but something that makes both of them happy (even though Tommy is very much into it and Laurel isn't nearly as much into it).

Did anyone else notice that Deadshot had Diggle's brother's name tattooed on him? (Andrew Diggle, I can't think that's a coincidence). I think the next storyline with him may be about this...

Digg finding out was shocking and great at the same time... I do think the next one to find out will be Laurel. And when she does, we all know what will happen to the triangle (oh my hero Ollie!! I KNEW you had changed! LOL)

PS loved Felicity and hope to see more of her, but Thea? Thanks, but no thanks. The character is way too much of a standard teenager pain in the butt for me to enjoy. I am really starting to hope someone slaps her silly.
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Last edited by TexasForever; 10-29-2012 at 06:10 PM
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