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Old 06-28-2012, 07:49 PM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Mar 2012
Posts: 949
Happy 20th Anniversary - The Penultimate

The next day, in the mid-afternoon, Whitney answers the door to her suite, and Kevin walks in.
WH: Hey! Wait a minute. When are you supposed to go on your dive?
KC: Pretty soon. Pretty soon. Have patience and don’t worry, I’ll find some lost treasure for you.
WH: OK, so what brings you here? I’m going out to sit under the covered terrace. There is a teeny, tiny breeze, so we’ll see how much of the elements I can stand before I retreat. You want a bottle of water?
KC: I think they supply you with Perrier here …
WH: (Clears her throat) Well, San Pellegrino has a nice lemon soda that I like. That’s what we’re having.
KC: Well, la-deeb-****ngi da! San Pellegrino.
WH: Whitney likes a little flavor!
Kevin looks her up and down when she says that and it seems like a thought crosses his mind, but then he changes the subject.
KC: I want to talk to you about tomorrow’s dinner. I’m going to get the largest scallops I can find. ‘Cause I know that size matters to you.
WH: Oh, Kevin, the jokes.
KC: Well, I thought … we could have some company. Maybe my brother.
WH: Who? Keviiiin. You invited an audience? I don’t know him!
KC: That’s the issue. I’m tired of talking about you in shadowy code.
WH: You talk about me to your brother and stuff?
KC: Well, Whitney, I can hardly help it. People close to me sort of know. They don’t ask or anything, and we don’t talk about you all the time, by any stretch. But there are times when you do come up.
WH: Probably like every time you give an interview and mention me. Like when you gave that interview right before your wedding, and you told them you think about me all the time, your brother probably had to protect you from your future wife that day.
KC: No.
WH: Really?
KC: Well, I mean she understands that I had friends and stuff before she came along and … (Whitney turns to stare at him, very skeptically.)
KC: You’re right. It didn’t score me any points.
WH: I don’t know about meeting your people, Kevin. And definitely not ------.
KC: You’ve met my daughter. Why is this any different?
WH: That was work-related. We were both at an Oscar after party. Now it’s like ‘meet my mistress.’ Anyway, how is Annie? More beautiful, right? You must have to screen and investigate any guy that comes within five miles of that young lady.
KC: You’re changing the subject. Look, he saw you out on your boat earlier. He told me that he was out and he saw someone that looked just like you. That he looked right at her and she looked at him, and that’s how he recognized you. It was the chin.
WH: Oh please. I don’t remember making any eye contact with any other Costners on this trip. I would have seen the family resemblance.
KC: He also said the woman was black. Slim, in a pretty cover up type of thing, and she had on a big hat.
WH: Well, he was mistaken.
KC: Maybe. He said he heard singing, but not like straight singing, like someone was doing scales and vocal exercises. And he said it sounded like a beautiful mezzo-soprano.
WH: Well, he would know.
KC: He also said she looked like she had a little attitude. Like a diva. was kinda stuck up. (This gets Whitney’s attention.) He smiled and waved at her, and she looked right through him and would not wave back.
WH: Now I know you had somebody else. Whitney don’t play that! Whitney loves the fans, and if one of them was all nice and not being pushy and wanting to motor over and get on the boat and get an autograph, of course she would at least wave back. Tell your brother he got the wrong slim black woman dressed up like a superstar singing on a boat out in hot-@ss Africa, because Whitney does not do that! OK? No friends. No brothers, no in-laws. It’s a risk. And if your dinner needs to include them, I will eat here by myself.
KC: Oh, come on, Whit. I’ve met your family, and people who love you to bits. Fair is fair. Plus, my folks know how to keep a lid on things. I promise you we are absolutely, perfectly safe.
WH: I don’t know … (Adjusts her sunglasses.)
KC: So, we’re still on?
WH: Kevin, I have a lot of faith in you, but not other people. You just don’t know what could happen. Especially when you get TWO stubborn Costner men in one room.
KC: Yeah … (that thoughtful look crosses Kevin’s face again) Man, you’re really sweating bullets over this. You’re drenched.
WH: It’s because I’m not wearing anything underneath this tank dress. Can’t be bothered with a brassiere or anything in this mugginess. Hooo. I’m going inside in a minute.
About 40 minutes later, Whitney is laying in bed, covered by her sheet. She sits up and shakes her head at Kevin, who is in her bathroom, tucking his shirt into his shorts.
WH: That’s a red flag right there. Your shirt was un-tucked when you knocked on my door making risky requests.
KC: (Splashes his head with cold water in the sink.) Thanks for the tip.
WH: (Reaches over for a glass of water.)
KC: So that’s a yes? To dinner tomorrow?
WH: No.
KC: You said ‘YES’ just now, like a dozen times. And rather loud. I think the Tanzanians heard you.
WH: Just stop playin’. Stop congratulating yourself for snatching a piece. Whitney is not a screamer. People don’t need to know her business.
KC: Exactly. And I absolutely promise you that if you sit down with me and my brother, nobody will.
WH: No winking? No secret looks? No touching?
KC: I can vouch for my self-control. You’re the real X-factor here.
WH: God, Kevin. It’s so big. Huge.
KC: (He leans over to kiss her.) I know all that. Stay on the subject. I’m asking you if you want to meet my brother, and make up for your little snub.
WH: (Grabs him by the collar.) I did not, would not snub a gentleman.
KC: Well then, you can explain all that to him in person.
WH: Fine, I will.
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