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Old 05-22-2012, 05:46 PM
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Hi Ladies.

Here's the draft list of poll questions and options. I need your feedback.
Feel free to reply to the thread or PM me if I've missed something.

Question #1: Rank the following episodes in order from most favorite to least favorite

I've categorized the Season 5 episode as follows:

Episodes that have Shamy plots (these episodes should definitely be on the list):
The Isolation Permutation
The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition
The Shiny Trinket Maneuver
The Beta Test Initiation
The Vacation Solution
The Weekend Vortex
The Launch Acceleration

Episodes that have Shamy scenes but they're not the focus of a plot (Should these be added to the list?) :
The Infestation Hypothesis
The Russian Rocket Reaction(*)
The Rhinitis Revelation
The Ornithophobia Diffusion(*)
The Recombination Hypothesis(*)
The Friendship Contraction(*)
The Werewolf Transformation
The Countdown Reflection

I am not sure if we should include the (*) ones. S/A interact in the episodes but they're not the
focus, there's other people in the scene and their scenes are really short. Maybe we need another poll for the
favorite "Shamy moments" that includes some of those scenes? Let me know what you think.

Last but not least -
The Pulled Groin Extrapolation - S/A barely interact in this episode yet it has an important
Shamy development in the last scene, also known as "*karate chop* She is not for you. NOT. FOR. YOU!"
Should it be included in the list?

Question #2: What is your favorite Shamy "hidden" moment? (I'm thinking that I will make it a "single choice" type of question but let me know if you prefer ranking)

Here's what I have so far. These are moments from Seasons 4 and 5. I am sure I've missed several so let me know what needs to be added.

1- From The Zazzy Substitution - "Although, for the record, on one occasion, she licked her thumb to remove raspberry jelly from the corner of my mouth. It’s an action we both regret to this day."
2- From The Love Car Displacement - "No, we discussed it. We decided we didn’t want to jeopardize our relationship by getting to know each other too well." - Sheldon and Amy discuss sharing a room.
3- From The Herb Garden Germination - "We need to fabricate a tantalizing piece of gossip." - Sheldon and Amy come up with the gossip for their meme experiment.
4- From The Agreement Dissection - "Last night you gave me some excellent advice regarding my problem here at home, you kissed me and then vomited on and off for 40 minutes, following which you passed out on your bathroom floor. I then folded a towel under your head as a pillow, set your oven clock to the correct time because it was driving me crazy, and I left."
5- From The Pulled Groin Extrapolation - "Amy: I would, but the last wedding we went to was a disaster. He behaved like a child the entire time. Sheldon: Not my fault. You said there’d be other scientists there my age."
6- From The Isolation Permutation - "Last night I was strong-armed into an evening of harp music and spooning with an emotional Amy Farrah Fowler."
7- From The Shiny Trinket Maneuver - "She’d see right through that. We go to the zoo all the time. She knows my koala face."
8- From The Werewolf Transformation - "There’s only so many times a woman can say 'how about the bed'?"
9- From The Weekend Vortex - "Our record for sitting in a room together and not speaking to each other is six-and-a half hours. He said it was a magical evening."
10- From The Launch Acceleration - "This morning, she arranged for me to be an Amtrak junior conductor for the day. It, it’s usually only open to children. She got them to make an exception."
11- From The Launch Acceleration - The rest of the dinner date.
12- From The Launch Acceleration - The beginning and end of the Star Trek cosplay.
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