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Old 04-19-2012, 06:46 PM
chaos blues
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Is there a way to un-see the episode? My poor eyes.

Isn't it kinda ironic that the guy who killed Jeremy not so long ago, now wants to check on him? How sweet.

I'm just gonna pretend everything except for the the Matt/Caroline scene and Caroline scenes in general, didn't happen. Thank you very much. Oh and I loved Kol. He's giving me all these s1!Damon feels.

Also, is anyone else getting tired of Elena's lack of choice? If she wants to jump Damon, she should just go for it. Maybe if they finally get together we won't have to watch that many scenes anymore... Just thinking practical here. Plus that ragged breathing thing would hopefully stop as well. Oh God, a guy looked at me, I'm choking.... WTF. Oh and if a pairing needs pushing from other characters, something must be wrong with it.
love too big for a love song
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Last edited by chaos blues; 04-19-2012 at 07:08 PM
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