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Old 02-17-2012, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by collide (View Post)
And Bonnie's mom was not around that much, but your mother is STILL your mother. A good one, a bad one, an absent one. That is still your mother.
THIS. It doesn´t matter if we as a viewer only saw her for 5 minutes on screen or if she was away for 15 years she is her mother. She came back for her and to help her and the Salvatores. She turned away from this whole life as a witch because she was tired of regularly being dutied to hold the balance of nature and we saw what happened with Bonnie in only one year of her witchcraft. Abby was in it much longer and she fought against the one thing Klaus feared the most and for who he needed the help of the Salvatores to kill him. She and Bonnie suffer everytime the whole Bennett line has suffered because of this Original family and they had the opportunity to kill them all. ALL of them.

I cheered so much for Esther when she gave that speech to her sons, although it rubs me the wrong way how the writers went with this whole channeling of the witches power. Why couldn´t Bonnie and Abby do it and she gave the instructions.
Nevertheless she was on point with everything and I don´t give a dmn about Elijah realising afterwards that she was right and that he made a mistake. He was throughout the episode a better villain than Klaus but that letter to Elena ... please show stop with this nonsense. She only shows compassion when it comes to the small group of loved ones she has and most of them are guys who abused her or her friends in the past. So stop with this Elena is not a good person. She is very selfcentered and hypocritical and if the show would stood up to this flaws then I probably could like her more.

The Salvatores are the most horrible persons I have ever seen on screen and the worst of this is that they are the protagonists of this show. They are in no way selfless ... almost everyone on the showi is selfish with Bonnie being on of the only ones who thinks about the other people outside of the Scooby Gang.
I wasn´t surprised that the Salvatores would choose Elena over Bonnie because duh, I did watch three seasons of this hot mess, What surprised me and outraged me was the disrespect not only these two characters but also the writers (because they produced this horrible script) showed Bonnie and her mother. They flipped a coin to who is gonna do the "hard work". They never even considered what it would meant for Bonnie or for Abby, they would die the only thing they could think about was that Elena might hate them after this. If these are examples for caring or loving vampires on this show then I´m glad the witches hate them and I really wish that Esther and the Bennetts will find a way to erase this whole population of vampires from the planet (that will never happen).
And if the writers thought after this I could root for one of these two again ... then they are so stupid I can´t even describe.

Like I said earlier I want Bonnie to go against them and I don´t care what happens in the fandom because she has every right to light them on fire and dance on their remaining ashes.

And finally just a little observation: Two episodes ago I had to sit through at least 10-15 minutes of torture!Bill and Caroline scenes with them describing all the stages of the transition BUT this week when it comes to Bonnie I don´t even get one minute between mother and daughter.
I don´t know how Bonnie reacted when she found Abby lying on the floor in that house. Where the Salvatores still there? How did she get her mother out of this house? When did she call Caroline? How reacted Abby after she woke up and realised that she could become a vampire something a witch hates the most?
And why did this have to play out in the Forbes house ... why couldn´t we get something in the Bennett house? Caroline could have stayed there.
I won´t get answers for this questions because I saw the promo for next episode and they will probably not involve Bonnie in this. So thank you writers /sarcasm

As much as I loved Caroline for what she said to Elena because it was on point again, I wanted a reaction from Bonnie it didn´t even have to be her speaking with Elena they could have looked at each other seperated through the window or Caroline. But the writers don´t give me this, because they hate me. I have to accept this.

I can´t hate on Elena because everyone in this bar screws up most of the time, but I side-eye her for at least three things this episode:

1. Questioning Bonnie and her work with Esther - she is a witch she knows what has to be done. You are in no position to ask about her motives or how she works with anybody who is not you.

2. Mentioning that Elijah found a way to keep her alive in front of Bonnie is disrespectful. I know nobody cares for John anymore ... but he and Bonnie kept her alive and I didn´t see a thank you from her when it comes to Bonnie. So Elijah may have brought the magic elixir with him but it was made by witches and for Katherine and in the end he betrayed them so she doesn´t have to care about him anymore.

3. Telling Elijah the truth. Such a dumb decision because it brought this whole disaster on the Bennett witches.

I want all of the Originals dead and I don´t care about solution 1000th to kill Klaus I want them dead because of magic and not this stupid tree which the writers conveniently produce out of thin air.

Finn is probably the only one of that family that could stay and he is also the moral one not like everyone claimed Elijah.

I´m looking forward to the new development between Elena and Bonnie and I hope this gets much screentime.

That Meredith/Alaric reveal was so lame I can´t even that the writers decided to make this a cliffhanger. We all know that Alaric doesn´t die (although he should because he is useless).

Oh and that scene with the Salvatores bragging about their love for Elena and even after what we saw they have done never even saying one word about Bonnie #fail kill them with fire or like a good witch would say "Incendia"
you have really nice palms
Bonnie & Kai
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