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Old 02-06-2012, 08:44 PM
Part-Time Fan
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Joined: Jan 2012
Posts: 445
I am super excited. I cannot wait.

Got a question for everyone...bit of a sensitive one...after watching an interview with Jim in which he discusses whether Sheldon is a virgin or not, I was thinking - do we think that Amy is a virgin? I tend to agree with Jim that Sheldon is, but what about Amy? And also, would Sheldon know/care either way? I often find myself shocked by how much they know about one another that we don't...just a thought anyway...

I personally had previously been like 'yeah she would be' but have been thinking about it for a few days now and it just seems a little...predictable? Part of me wants her to be, and then another part is like 'bring on the drama!' What does everyone else think?

Also it may have been discussed before in an old thread - my bad if it has. There are plenty of new faces to discuss it tho...sooo yeah!
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