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Old 12-20-2011, 12:24 PM
Almeida's Army
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Originally Posted by Raonaild (View Post)
I can see them bringing other Doctors back for the novelty of it, like The Five Doctors or Dimensions in Time.

Another way they bring back the other actors who played the Doctor is something more like they did in Zagreus, as sort of representations of the Doctor's psyche rather than literally bringing back past Doctors.

But I thought they could also bring the Eighth Doctor back for a proper story with two versions of the Doctor, ideally to cover what happened that lead him to regenerate into Nine.
I would absolutely love another Five Doctors type episode- I loved it! It would have to be for the 50th though. Zagreus idea is interesting- as good as it was I did find it a bit disjointed though.

Incidently when Tennant was first rumoured to be leaving (End of Series 3) I suggested a great idea would be to get him to stay longer, but for him to have a break, was when the Master aged him all those years, was for Jack or Martha to get hold of the Lazer Screwdriver and reverse it but before he can get back to his normal age, the Master lunges at Jack/Martha and the screwdriver settings change so instead of Tennant's doctor getting younger, it was the Doctor getting younger and unregenerating- so see a slightly older ninth, eighth etc and then the Master accidently smashes the screwdriver in the process and he ends up stuck as a slightly older fourth Doctor (Meaning the return of Tom for half a season) before they somehow mangage to get the Tenth Doctor back. I was thinking they could still use this to bring back McGann in a future episode- have the Doctor's life reversed and him ending back as the Eighth Doctor.

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