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Old 05-16-2011, 07:32 PM
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Gossip Girl 4x22

I’m VERY satisfied with the finale. I don’t know why this show keeps pissing me off when there IS potential. Why do they take us on a ****ing rollercoaster of **** only to actually get somewhere relatively (to the show) good?

Basically, I will stab and murder anyone who bitches about Chuck/Nate’s BFness. Oops, I mean BFF. (lie. They choose each other. BFs for life! That’s boyfriends, not best friends. )

Kati/Is! HOW MUCH DO I LOVE THEM! Come back forever!

“Look who got cute.”
“I’m still gay.”
“That means you can dance.”

OMG! KI + Eric. Is that like Santana/Brittany + Kurt or something? Can the girls stay forever?!?!?! They MUST be bridesmaids! S, K, I, P. And Nelly Yuki. LET’S DO IT!

CNR talk and CR apologize and C gets a call. Blair called and let him hear. They rush over to the new building.

GEORGINA SPARKS! PLEASE BECOME A REGULAR! I LOVE THIS BITCH! She is so BORED! She got married. MILO WAS MENTIONED! PICS! She’s a…did you hear that..BEDFORD wife? I actually really enjoyed Bedford Diaries, Penn’s previous show.

G meets up with SVD and just wants IN! But no one is being nice!

Eric is such a good son. He took video for Lily. So cute!

Chuck hears what Blair says about their relationship. And he pushes through the door. CBN+R+R. Raina takes the lighter but says jail. She won’t be visiting.

Basically, both Nate and Raina have done this. Serena … ugh, her dealing with Will last year is just pissing me off more! NR did the right thing. S was too clouded and stupid!

Chuck says sorry. But it’s so strange. He still wants her. That much is clear. I did giggle that he’s still her #1 speed dial. Not like it’s hard to change that, you know, B. Especially since you two haven’t been together in how long?

OMG! I LOVE GEORGINA SO MUCH! “If Milo isn’t in trouble in 17 years, then I’ve done something wrong.” OMG! I WANT HER AND MILO FOREVER! PLEASE!

Vanessa finds Dan’s book. INSIDE. For real, SABRINA?!?! But an uncreative dumbass. Vanessa reads it.

CB go to a Bat Mitzvah. LMAO! Oh, be still my Jewish heart. LOL. MORE FORESHADOWING! When CB were held up on the chairs, it’s a very Jewish thing with Mitzvahs and weddings. I’m sure people went all giggle-giggle over Chair on Chairs, but as a Jew, all I saw was WEDDING.

Also, ROLLING IN THE DEEP? GREAT SONG CHOICE! Works so well for CB and Rachel/Jesse on Glee! WOOT!

But as I watched, I was very unsatisfied. The sex was just so … NOT what I wanted.

I NEED to get the book scene right now. That was pretty awesome. I missed some important Dan info. I love that Vanessa says he wanted to be on the inside more than Jenny. And he’s been writing this for five years. Umm..he’s been writing this before SD….what?

Vanessa took it. Looks like she’s going to get it published! (Oh, yeah!) I think that should make for a VERY interesting S5 storyline and as much as I hate Dan, I’m kinda giddy.

And this CB scene where Chuck gives his blessing. As I was watching, I was all..WHAT?! Because B was a bit iffy. And Chuck made up her mind for her. And it made me kinda angry at Chuck for doing that since it’s Blair’s decision.

SCharlie…*yawn* I’m bored with anything about SERENA, truthfully. I don’t care about her lack of initiative or making her own choices.

Serena finally DID apologize to the boys though.

Now THIS CB is what I’ve wanted for a long time! I loved Chuck’s speech. If I could write it, I would. Alas, just watch. It’s great. It’s great for Chuck’s maturity. It’s good for Blair. Chuck’s letting her go. She can finally let him go. They’re at a good place.

Also, can Louis be a main next season? I love him!

Eric’s going to Sarah Lawrence. It’s only 15 minutes away. Can my baby become a regular!?!?!?!

CN are so cute. CB are FRIENDS. Yes please! I want their friendship.

BD..movies…I no like Eric’s look at Dan.


Spin the globe and travel the world. BACHELOR STYLE! Meaning, GAY WORLD TRIP! Eric’s just jealous. Hence the weird moodiness.

B says November wedding. BS are cute.

Vanessa is at a publishing house. They’re going to publish. It’s anonymous. But she says he’ll come forward after it’s published. Send checks to Barcelona, Spain. She’ll forward to her client.

I’ll miss my girl. I do hope that since she’s invited back…after things happen with the book, Dan will have angry words with her so it should be a given we’ll see her at least once.

Serena is now going to help make a movie? *shrugs* I don’t pretend to pay attention to her.

Carol..Ivy? Wha? Carol did this for money? What? So confused.

WRITERS! PLEASE! I BEG YOU! Do not make her a character. DROP HER! WE DO NOT LIKE HER!

And positive pregnancy test for one of the girls. HEY! What if Dorota took a test at B’s place.
🦋 butterflies + glitter 🦋
jackie | icon meraki
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