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Old 03-11-2011, 05:12 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Nov 2010
Posts: 271
Tftnt Katka - I love the title.

Her nose doesn't look like it has had work done imo. And anyway, totally her business.
I agree that her nose doesn't look like she's had work done. But I'm on the fence whether it's her business.

Well, let me rephrase that - since I don't think she's had anything done to her face, and she says she hasn't, then it's totally her business. But if someone is going around saying they haven't had something done, but they have, then I'm OK with journalists calling them out on it. If someone has had something done, and doesn't want anyone to know, then just don't say anything. But, to clarify, I don't think that's what Lauren's done, by any means. But I have noticed other actors/celebrities doing that.

The only thing it looks to me that Lauren may have had work on is her smile. Her front teeth seem straighter, or at least straighter across the bottom, in new pictures vs pictures taken years ago. And that's pretty common - lots of actors have caps, or have had work done to even out their smiles. Plus, I may be totally imagining it anyway.

She looks gorgeous in any case.
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