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Old 03-08-2011, 03:58 PM
Part-Time Fan
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Posts: 154
Ideas to help (hopefully)

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Soooo, I'm kinda new here still and wanted to maybe bring a couple of things up that I was thinking about. Feel free to dismiss/laugh/ignore suggestions as appropriate.
And I'm sorry if this shouldn't be here, but I thought in the vein on trying to increase posts, I'd venture here with my ideas.

I recently got back into Scrubs and Johnny C's work more specifically quite recently and this is the place I come to discuss these things, you may have noticed. But I'm uch more used to running forums and participating in them than just participating and you obviously have a need to keep this place going and 15 posts a day is so easily do-able but so incredibly hard at the same time. So as a new member and someone who's had a forum or two in the past (and present) I thought I'd throw a few thoughts and ideas your way and see if anything sticks.
It's a few ideas for new topics and suggestions and then some things I've noticed as well.

*I'm not sure how off topic you can go, but one of the things that went down really well was a 'Good Day/Bad Day' topic. Good for venting or sharing and they were usually just short little posts just to say it and then carry on. If no OT posts are allowed, scrap this little baby.

*Episode Viewing- Scrubs is shown as repeats enough that people could either catch the episodes on TV or we could pick a random episode to watch once a week and then discuss. Sure it's probably been done before and I know you have some real old discussions about them but no one wants to go back to a two year old topic and revive it.

*While there's posts to cover just about every character and pairing, I think it's a little too split up. Sometimes it'd be nice to maybe just have a something a tiny bit more generic. Maybe season? I'm not sure, but sometimes it'd be good to just talk randomly about the things I like about scrubs but I wouldn't have a clue where to put it.

*A post share videos. I've seen a couple of great Scrubs fan videos on YT and again, if it's the whole cast, would be nice to have somewhere to post just them.

*Image gallery/artwork etc A thread for either cast member specific pictures or to share all different artwork people have made. Icons, banners, wallpapers... whatever.

*Discussion topics. Things that will include all characters and everyone can participate in. Something like 'Favourite character traits' or 'Favourite look for character' or whatever.

*Fan Fiction. No idea if anyone's interested but if there are members who like to share stuff, maybe that could work, if you kept it within certain guidelines and ratings etc. Or if not ff, maybe little wriitng based challenges. Even if you don't like writing, it could be interesting to do little challenges. like 100 word bits. It's just another random idea.

This one I'm not sure if it would work or not, but I'll share this story with what we did on my forum.
I run a forum & fansite for actor Sharlto Copley who played the lead in District 9 & also played the part of Murdock in the A Team movie. A lot of people who watched the film ended up watching the show and becoming fans. Anyway, the guy who played Murdock in the film & TV show both had a birthday in November and within 5 days of one another, so we made this week in November 'Murdock Week.' We advertised it on Facebook, made a video on YouTube (here: YouTube - Murdock week) , told all the fans we knew about, then had a schedule of things to do over those few days, with film viewings on one day (seperate US & UK ones) and TV show viewings, we got people to submit pictures, make graphics, write stories and write something that we sent to the actors (one through email & one we posted on Facebook).
As I said, i have no idea whether it would work for the show, but maybe pick a date where someone special to the show (Bill Lawrence, ideally or if there's a couple of actors who have a birthday together, that week instead).

Okay, that's all I've got.
I'm just trying to think of ways that might help people join in more.
I think more genric topics might help because I've only really spoke to one person on here I believe and partially it's because I tend to just post about Cox. So if there was some way that I could be discussing him and then someone who's a big Elliot fan (for example) could also be posting there, I'd feel more like part of the forum.

I feel that the forum may need a bit of help to get people posting more. A fresh perspective maybe.
Thanks for your time, hope I wasn't too annoying or boring.
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