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Old 01-14-2011, 04:25 PM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Oct 2010
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Those scenes and whatever plotlines that were supposed to there with Sav were just dropped and dropped quickly and I think for many people it was just too little and too late for Sav to finally get some attention on his own. I think that looking back that the that those scenes with Sav in the beginning of this season just meant nothing but, I am not surprised that both Sav and Anya got their storylines dropped and or changed quickly because I don't think that the writers and the powers cared all that much for either Sav or Anya separately or together and they are really just extensions of each other and never really going to be given much to do on their own.
I just don't understand how this ship is popular when it stunts the already minimal growth of one of the characters in the pairing. This relationship prevents any development for Sav because it's obvious that the whole thing is about Holly J. I mean, it would be okay if they gave Sav his own issues and plots separate to the relationship, but they never show Sav doing his own thing. He's always simply a part of someone else's plot, and now that he's dating another girl, it's just one more character for him to be an accessory to. He has no excuse, because he's been on this show for three seasons. He should have been given something to do by now.

Same thing with Anya. It's obvious that the doctor she's hooking up with is going to be this relationship Sue with no personality. He's good-looking, successful...and that's it. The only purpose he's going to serve is to be her boyfriend. The only thing that's going to be interesting about it is the fact that he's so much older than her. I mean, even her mom's cancer is going to be pushed to the side in favor of this Mr. O/Paige rehash.

I think that yes, this storyline is holding Holly J back but because she's on-screen a lot without Sav even now and has people to actually interact with like Fiona so Holly J does and has had time on-screen without Sav and in fact Sav seems to be completely out of sight and completely out of mind for Holly J and the writers and powers that be. I think that some of this Holly J only screen time where she was with other characters who aren't Sav could've easily been about the two of them but, it isn't and it again reinforced that the writers and the powers that be prefer Holly J alone over anything to do with Sav and their relationship and that someone who's part of the "Degrassi" powers that be isn't interested in Sav alone or with Holly J and I mean where was Sav between "Love Lockdown" and "Halo?" Holly J didn't go completely M.I.A. like that it was just Sav. Sav really doesn't have anyone to interact with outside of his family and even there Alli is the person that the writers are concerned about it's not and won't ever be about Sav.
I'm just disappointed that Holly J's screen time is being wasted on this relationship when she could have other storylines. It's her senior year. The character needs to go out with a bang. This is a complete disservice to her.

I think part of the reason the seniors aren't getting the attention they deserve, and part of the reason some of them, like Anya and Sav, still aren't getting the last minute development they need to make them engaging characters, is because we have all these younger new characters. But I don't think they should really be blamed, because even if they weren't there, I have a feeling the writers would still ignore the seniors. Although, to be fair, both Fiona and Holly J have both gotten a large amount of screen time.
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