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Old 09-16-2010, 07:50 PM
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Need to watch the episode properly (the stream was acting up) to really write about it but I wasn't really surprised at Caroline kind of knowing she was a vampire and what to do with it and what the things she could do were. We know the moment one is transitioning they start getting their compelled memories back and once they're a vampire I think it pretty much all comes back. So I think her calmness had to do, in part, with her knowing more or less what was going on with her and what things she could do due to memories of Damon doing it to her coming back... She knows what a vampire is and what they do first hand... (and of course she is no Vicky as she is no addict...)

And I wasn't surprised with Damon being in jerk mode. He did snap Jeremy's neck in an attempt to shut off his feelings and act as if he doesn't hurt and feel, after all. Of course he would be acting according to it right now, showing no remorse, seeking no forgiveness,. He WANTS to be hated and assumed to have no feelings, as Elena pointed out in the premiere. The trouble for him is, he is not really able to do it no matter how much he tries so he will have to learn to live with his emotions and cope with them and accept the good in him. It did sound like he was planning on avoiding Elena and leaving her alone actually, until he found out about Caroline and so had to seek her out... How he approached Elena saying he knows he would be the last person she'd want to talk right now shows he knows what he has done and how terrible it was and was trying to give her her space as he knows she must be hating him right now and that she would want nothing to do with him...

Loved the last scene with Jeremy. Jeremy desperately needs an older male figure in his life, and Damon is the one who he has had more interaction with and feels closer to. Jeremy knows Damon is as 'damaged' as he is in many ways and he I think appreciates that Damon treats him as "Jeremy" and as almost like a peer -without any kiddie gloves- and not just "Elena's younger brother that needs protection". It is sad that the only older male in Jeremy's life that the kid can somehow bond is the guy who killed him, and how helpless and lost Jeremy was when he warned Damon about the vervain was really heartbreaking... Jeremy pretty much surrendered himself to Damon right there and then (given Damon had just snapped his neck and was threatening him again for saying he might expose them right after that he must have figured telling Damon he had vervained his drink and showing him the stake he had brought to 'kill' him may result it Damon killing him for real this time) for he is that lost, and that desperate for some male authority figure giving him some guidance- has always been. This IS the kid who was ALWAYS self-destructive. He was first a drug addict, and then when he was 'cured' of that by compulsion he was still "empty" inside as he pointed out, and so was now seeking his solutiong in trying to become a vampire for sometime now. First for Vicky, then kidding around with the idea for Anna and finally committing suicide to achieve it after her death. Thanks God Damon's "humanity" is not really gone (no matter how much he tries) and he always has a appreciation for honesty himself and it seems he will be trying the big brother thing with Jeremy now...

And loved that Elena still seems to trust Damon. She trusted him enough to go with him when he called. She trusted him to stop & not to harm her when she threw herself in front of Caroline. She trusted him to let go off Caroline when she made a plea for her life... And once again she saved him from being burned. She is angry with him and cold towards him but it is obvious they will continue to be in eachother's lives and work together and watch eachother's back... Don't see Damon & Elena going back to the "good friends" status they used to have at the start of the premiere very soon and her forgiveness will take some time to come (as it should) but with Jeremy not only forgiving Damon, but choosing him as his "older brother" things between Damon & Elena will probably become lukewarm not that far in the future...

Also, I still expect Bonnie to be heading down into a "corrupted by her power" storyline. In the premier it has been pointed out that she has a long way to go till she really learns her powers and yet she is so smug about them just because she can take down a vampire -like THAT is enough, her job is done. With Grams gone she is getting no guidance. And it does look like she has become a bit trigger happy with her powers and has a tendency to misuse them to hurt whoever pisses her off. Damon is right, witched are little judgy things who like to pass judgements on others but do not seem to like to take a good look into themselves and their own actions and decisions and what part they played in everything that happens and see THEMSELVES above judgement. So Bonnie can kill someone because she is feeling pissed off but others should not. Just like Emily and Grams could backstab someone and not honor the deal they made with them but it is the one who is betrayed who is to blame for it all. I don't think so...

Sorry to say not very impressed with the werewolf story so far. It is moving slow by this show's standards and Lockwoods fail to engage me.

NO ALARIC AGAIN? EPIC FAIL, show, EPIC FAIL! But will let that one go for the last time because VAMPIRE CAROLINE ROCKS! (and I didn't actually want her turned...) Btw, I was surprised by how much I liked Stefan & Caroline's scenes and could see chemistry there. This is the first time I see Stefan have chemistry with anyone. And it is weird because I didn't see it when Caroline was human... There was something special between them... Hope that relationship gets explored more. I'm intrigued.

Oh, and the "Danger! Do not rock seat." sign on the SE scene? BRILLIANT show, brilliant! I love this show and its little details and subtle messages...

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Last edited by Schumiac; 09-16-2010 at 08:18 PM
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