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Old 05-29-2010, 04:08 AM
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I came to love the finale after some time passed. When I first watched it I was very confused maybe a little disappointed because of the purgatory issue... But when I watched the last scene for the second time I was weeping like a crazy person, I couldn't stop crying. You need a second viewing or a third or a thousand to come to love it and understand the beauty of it.

After the finale aired I started thinking about my life about my relationships, and about how we all need to charish ever moment of our lives as it's all so fragile and be happy to have a chance to be with the loved ones as not everyone has this chance.... I have never believed in life after death, but the notion of another chance in the afterlife when finally you get the chance to reunite with your loved ones and live happily ever after... The notion of eternal light that exists in the end of the tunnel.... it's a wonderful and a hopefull notion. We all struggle a lot and suffer a lot in our lives and to believe that there is something else, something worth waiting for even if not in this life... Every single religion is based on this concept... Maybe it's not as far fetched as thought it was....

I know people who didn't love or didn't understand the finale, and I can see their point.. but I believe that no other TV show have ever done what Lost has done. Six years of pure entertainment, adventure, love and lifechanging experience... Lost gave me my first epic ship, my first favorite chracter, my first TV addiction. Lost was a big gift, I pray there will be another such show sometimes on television.. But Lost wiil always be my first and my greatest love Will always be my number one.
Stupid Shorts.
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