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Old 09-13-2009, 10:08 AM
Lauren Helen Graham
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I never thought of Julia's and Andy's names on the tickets to Florence. But hey, he wanted to be nice.

Like all episodes before I this, too! We got amazing scene of which I'll tell you a bit.

Ok, the first one will be a stupid one (at least for me it was). Ephraim kissing Amy in the mine. Is he crazy or what? I know he's 15 and he's too mature in all the episodes and maybe that's why I hate him kissing Amy in this scene... She's totally sad and down because of Colin, Colin is supposed to wake up really soon and he kisses Amy. Sorry that it bothers me that much But IMO it has destroyed so much between them.
But I loved him asking if they still will be friends when Colin wakes up finally. I so get his fear of loosing her after his dad helped Colin and it made me happy to hear her answer She's at least in this scene amazing.

Then there have been so many heartbreaking scenes in the episode:

First of all Andy in the church. I totally had tears in my eyes. In this scene we for the first time get to see how 'dead' Andy's inside. It has been 8 month and he still doesn't know how to be happy or enjoy life again. Life doesn't make sense to him any longer.
But I thought he has to think about Delia and Ephraim and they should be the reason for him to finding his way back again.

Another touching scene was Amy going to see Colin the first time after he woke up. I still don't get why nobody told her that this would most likely happen.

So I'm really curious how this SL will continue because I know that I've missed lots of episodes about Colins recovery.
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Last edited by jediwands; 03-03-2021 at 10:41 AM
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