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Old 08-10-2008, 04:08 PM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by How-very-girl629 (View Post)
And yeah as much as I love the maruaders, what they did at times to snape was definitely bullying and he bullied right back of course.
I don't see them like picking on the fat kid though.
Especially James for all of his `very accepting and in a lot of ways they were kind of a misfit group despite their charisma.
James was kind of the golden boy but then Sirius was a black and I definitely don't think they were supposed to be friends, and Lupin was this shy bookish werewolf and Wormtail was wormtail.
I agree, James was poised for success at school, but the others weren't really. They were somewhat outcasts. If Sirius had been sorted into Slytherin he probably would have been a golden boy amongst them. And I do believe Snape gave as good as got, absolutely. He was more than ready to strike back in the memory.

I also agree that Lily did seem to see things the way she wanted to. She knew what Snape was doing and remained friends with him until he finally crossed a line she couldn't ignore. The she had to let him go. If her friendship wasn't enough to keep him from becoming a DE as a teenager then there wasn't anything she could have done. Even if she had returned his feelings, I don't think it would have been enough, I think she would have been killed or have to leave him at one point.
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