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Old 03-07-2008, 06:26 PM
Bella Cullen
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Apparently the sides are out for ep 12. The medical cases dont match that of the script posted before in this thread, so it seems the script is fake, thank gosh.

Side summary from TWoP:

Otis is a man being seen by Dr. Tomson. A nurse is there drawing blood. Dr. Tomson asks if he would like to hold her hand. Otis says he wants to go back. Wants to go back to thirty, quit smoking, drinking, coffee, soda - be healthy like his wife nagged him to be. Go back and spend more time with his wife so she didn't leave him, so he didn't end up 60 and sick and alone. He's scared and alone while waiting to find out what's wrong with him.

Dr. Tomson takes his had and says she is sorry he is alone. She tells him he will live a healthier life now. The nurse sticks him, he bellows.

Later in the evening, Dr. Tomson goes to Otis and tells him everything is negative. He asks what that means and she tells him all the tests are clear, that he has the flu. He complains that he was kept there all day to be told he had the flu. Dr. Tomson tells him to look at everything you've discovered today, about your life, your ex-wife. He tells her his wife was a castrating bitch. He never missed her before today. That she would have shot him dead a long time ago had they stayed together and he wouldn't have been there all day about the flu. Dr. Tomson apologizes, he yells save it! and asks for a prescription so he can leave. She tells him no prescription just rest and fluids. He yells again, she is scared and quickly walks away.

There is Jonah and Phillip, two brothers. There was an accident, a car and a truck. Jennifer is Phillip's wife. They are all brought in after the accident.

Jennifer and Phillip are with Dr. Smith, Jennifer's head is being stitched up. She asks how Phillip is. Dr. Smith tells her they had a hard time getting a clear picture because Phillip kept moving but from what they saw there was no internal bleeding. Jennifer is glad. The doctor asks if Phillip is claustrophobic. She says she doesn't think so. The doctor asks if he is normally nervous in medical situations. Or if his personality has changed lately.

Jennifer tells the doctor that they are newlyweds. They met 4 months ago when Phillip came into the restaurant she worked in and she asked him if he had the time. He told her it was the worst pickup line ever used. She told him better than spilling coffee on him. He laughed, they married 10 days later. She says his brother doesn't like her, but they are in love. People are judgmental. She tells the doctor to ask Jonah if Phillip has changed. To her, he's just the man she loves.

Dr. Green and Dr. Lawson are with Jonah, he's barely conscious and unaware how bad it is. He asks where is brother is, says Phillip drove straight into the truck. He says Phillip has been acting crazy since he married that woman. The doctors are going to put Jonah under, he says he needs to find out about his brother. Dr. Lawson tells him Dr. Green is going to find out about his brother.

Post Op - Dr. Smith enters. Jonah is awake but woozy. Dr. Smith asks how he is; Dr. Green is stitching. Jonah asks about Phillip. Dr. Smith tells him that his hand is badly injured but that he is mostly worried about Jonah. Jonah says he doesn't get it. That first Phillip marries that woman then he drives into a truck. Dr. Smith says 'you don't like Jennifer?". Jonah replies that he doesn't know Jennifer, neither does Phillip, that its like he married his mid-life crisis. That Jennifer is not a woman Phillip would have dated never mind married. Nice but not exactly his type. She's a waitress - not his type. He asks Dr. Smith to tell his brother he loves him. Dr. Smith exits.
Dr Smih is derek right?

Jamie and Claire Fraser
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Last edited by Bella Cullen; 03-07-2008 at 07:09 PM
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