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Old 12-17-2007, 07:12 AM
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Ok, so I went back to the last thread and got all the comments and quotes from people that were there. Hope you didn't mind me grabbing them as I was sick of going back and searching for them

It's just that at one point, It looked like he was... I dunno, doing something to her ear? and I was like "Whoa!"... but I couldn't really tell what was going on, maybe he was just whispering, they did that a lot. I mean, if they were a couple, would they really do that in public? I doubt it.<-- Cookie Simone’s Live Journal

Milo, Hayden, Adrian and Jack sat right in front of me. At some point, Hayden accidentally elbowed Adrian and made him bite his tongue. LOL, poor Adrian.
They all seemed to be very close, they were constantly whispering to eachother and stuff... and if I didn't know any better, I'd be sure that Hayden and Milo were dating... they were all over eachother and acting very couply, but this is a very touchy-feely cast, so I'm choosing not to believe the rumors. I'm just sayin'... they might wanna tone it down in public if they want people to stop talking about them. And that is all I'll say about that because I'd rather not add fuel to those annoying rumors- Cookie Simone’s Live Journal

Comment from ONTD
I was able to get passes therefore sat behind the cast (second row of theater) and went to the party afterwards. Here's what I saw: She and Milo were holding hands the whole time, whilst seated. He also kept rubbing her leg, whispering to her, and she was whoring it up with him, Adrien, and the british one. Although, it was pretty obvious and thus confirmed, that she and Milo are a couple. They don't part from each other whatsoever! Later, when I ran into her, she was such a BITCH! So rude and unpleasant and behaved as if she didn't want to be there and had better things to do. Milo is also a bit of an ass. Mommy Petrelli and Adrien were charming and pleasant; so sweet and kind to everyone. Sendhil is even more gorgeous up close, Mr. Bennet is funny/sexy, and Hayden looks even smaller in real life (but girl needs to get other hair/makeup people). That's my 2 cents from the event.

Comment from NBC Forum
Milo is so bored on stage he's stuck preoccupying himself taking glances at Hayden and touching her back every 15-20 seconds. That had me laughing.

Tears of Unfathomable Sadness Journal
OH HI, ADRIAN MILO AND HAYDEN ONSTAGE. I mean, I know it was the real people, not the characters, so I don't consider it Petrellicest so much as them just being ADORABLE and comfortable with each other, which is obviously why their various scenes together are awesome and why everyone is all PETER/NATHAN or PETER/CLAIRE, but oh my goodness. WONDERFUL. Liiiike someone at the other end of the stage would be talking about something that I would absolutely not be listening to because I would be watching Milo and Hayden talking to each other, or Milo RUBBING HER BACK, or Milo and Adrian talking and then, like, clapping each other on the shoulder, and REALLY I JUST LOVE MY CAST, MMKAY?

Also, when they were all going onstage, and Milo got onstage and then stopped, turned, and helped Hayden up? And it was adorable?

The guy who took pic with them is french and was at the event. He says that he didn't believe the Halo rumors before..but now that he saw them together at the event he changed his mind.
In short, Hayden and Milo were very close during the party and when the guy tried to talk to hayden, Milo came immediately 2 seconds later like a jealous guy new-Rencontre avec nos Heroes � Los Angeles

Dude, Milo was haulin' ass, getting Hayden out of there. Don’t expect it ton tango Live journal

More from ONTD
went there....that was the lamest event...But Milo was all over Hayden all night long...kept on touching her, talking to her, waiting for was sickening...
i was there too! did you notice how she kept gazing up at him adoringly? o_o
yes....i was sitting some rows behind them and throughout milo kept on whispering to every five seconds
the impression i got from those two was.. if they arent involved already they might as well already because they sure LOOK like they already have.. well, you know.

::*Somewhere*:: Over The Rainbow - Pics and thoughts
I was there last nite! and i just have to say Adrian (Nathan), Jimmy (the Hatian), and Cristine (Angela Petrelli) are super sweet. But Milo & Hayden left hand in hand after the sneak preview of Season 3... btw I was sitting behind them ( a few rows back) and they were VERY chummy.
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