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Old 04-10-2007, 09:36 PM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Jan 2006
Posts: 616
Global 7:18 Promo – aired Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Lorelai: So, umh, You bringing a guy home! [on the phone at the DFI]

Promoguy: On the next Gilmore Girls

Scene: Logan and Rory sitting on Rory’s bed at the CS. They are looking lovingly into each other’s eyes. Rory is smiling. They kiss each other

Promoguy: Rory brings Logan back …

Scene: Logan and Rory sitting at a table in Luke’s diner and looking outside. Fades to Luke angrily lifting and tossing a bale of hay away from the front of the diner’s window. Taylor has a clipboard in his hand and is talking to Luke.

Promoguy: … to Stars Hollow

Scene: Rory and Logan standing at the bottom of the stairs at the CS. Logan is holding flowers.

Lorelai: Hey, welcome, welcome [running down the stairs to greet Logan and Rory. She hugs Rory]

Promoguy: But Lorelai is not sure if he’s the one for her.

Scene: Logan and Lorelai in the kitchen. Lorelai is cutting up something. Fades to a close up of Lorelai’s face as she smiles a bit uncomfortably at Logan. Fades to Rory and Logan standing somewhere outside in the town. Rory has a smile on her faces. Logan is hanging his head down.

Lorelai: [walking down the sidewalk and talking to Sookie] He’s an over coiffed, over privileged young man.

Logan: [standing in the kitchen with Lorelai] I don’t want you to be worried

Lorelai: [with an amazed look on her face] You just lost millions of dollars!

Rory: [talking to Logan and they sit at a table in Luke’s diner. She waves her hand is a dismissive fashion] It’s so not a big deal.

Scene: Lorelai walking through the maze from one direction looking behind her. Luke is speeding through the maze from another direction with a bag in his hand. They accidentally bumped into each other before realizing who they’ve bumped into. They stop and talk to each other.

Promoguy: And Luke and Lorelai face the past head on.

Lorelai: [talking to Luke who has a concentrated look on his face as he looks at her and nods his head in understanding] I’m sorry! I messed up. I mean I never admitted it to you that it was wrong what I did and it was and I am really sorry.

Luke: [looking at Lorelai] I’m sorry too.

Scene: Logan and Rory walking through the maze holding hands and smiling.

Promoguy: A new episode of Gilmore Girls, next Tuesday on Global.

Sorry about the delay. Still getting use to the feel and functionality of my new toy. A bit frustrating when you are trying to do something in a hurry.

Thanks for the new thread genki
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