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Old 04-08-2007, 12:56 PM
Elite Fan

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100 totally EPIC titles!

Art made by: Caliina

1: Because a new beginning calls for a new thread!
2: Our Thread And Couple Is About Quality Not Quantity.
3: the Spoilers come and go, what will ACTUALLY happen?
4: Because Season 3 will be our year. Yeah.
5: B/C old chicks, new chicks - just a brick in the wall.
6: An unexclusive couple brings all new exclusive spoilers
7: Because yeah,!
8: Because, wow. These new spoilers? You can have them back
9: Keller sex, cheer-offs...welcome to Tree Hill
10: We've got maddd action going on and we're not talking Rocky6
11: Mark, 'boy,' don't make us throw your 'draft' out the window
12: If Rachel stops lowering her clothes, we'll lower our weapons
13: Did we just hallucinate or were there spoilers? Oh, wait...
14: Because it's just so, *so* random
16: These original storylines? I know. Too good to be true.
17: Because we're shaking our presents but feel no spoilers
18: Concerts & globetrots & angst, oh my!
19: Because the preview department knows how to pimp...Tristan&Isolde.
20: Because we can make up spoilers, tew!!11
21: Because no spoiler drought can dehydrate us, now!
22: If that's cheating, than I've totally gone to 2nd base with my dog.
23: Because foilers '06 strike back!!!1! This time...with vengeance.
24: We WILL sleep with tired eyes, tired minds, if the show does a 360!!
26: (Lucas/Brooke) Spoilers & Speculations Thread
27: Because Brace Yourself We're in For One Hell of a Ride.
28: Seriously, BL as in Brooke and Lucas. Read before you post.
29: Because this week Lucas shows the kind of man he truly is. Good or Bad
30: Because we'll take build-up and realism any day
31: We're waiting to find out the fate of the thread-Er, the show.
32: You can't keep your BF all to yourself. Share with your best friend!
33: Because Brucas Baby..Dream come True..or worst nightmare!?
34: Pregnancy scare once shame on BL, pregnancy scare twice shame on Mark
35: Because Lucas can't resist a certain brunette girl in pigtails!
36: Because Brooke and Lucas are OTH's Cabbage Patch Dolls.
37: Because Lucas will try hard to get his "destiny" girl back!
38: The season won't start until after the first hiatus, great! *rolleyes*
39: We mock because we care. Except we kinda also don't.
40: Another lesson learned with writing like this you'll get burned!
41: A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts.
42: Because Mark, you don't know us, you don't even care!
43: Because One Tree Hill's salvation lies in BL's love
44: Because it takes two to play the game, the game of love.
45: The moments magic swept us away and it's so close but we're so far
46: Believe in the possibilities even when MS gives u every reason not to believe!
47: Mark, it's your call and we hope you do the right thing!
48: Because it is Brooke's 18th birthday and she wants good spoilers!
49: Mark, you hurt yourself by hurting us!
50: Because we will not settle for sloppy seconds!
51: Lucas is getting Brooke back...& he'll hold your hand while doin' it.
52: Because their love won't back down, no matter what comes crashing down.
53: If you can't beat 'em...get bigger weapons.
54: Because spoilers make our motor run.
55: Because this is Tree Hill - not Beverly Hills
56: No matter what it will always come back to Brooke and Lucas in the end
57: "Next threat title." Typo...or just the blunt truth? /evil innuendo
58: Because you think you know, but you have no idea
59: Their hearts will always be with each other, even when life tears them apart
60: Because Mark, it's okay to borrow 'good' storylines from 90210.
61: Mark, this love is our oxygen. Don't kill our fanbase!
62: If you turned away they will all fall.
63: In the end their love was undeniable and true.
64: We know it's coming, but if you think it's the end of BL u're brutally wrong.
65: Because 17 is the new 9, baby!
66: You have everything you need, if you just believe.
67: Dance!
68: The writers shouldn't focus on converting us, we know what's good & what’s not.
69: B/c we go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong!
70: We ask the writers to end the BL hiatus NOW.
71: An eraser room? Yeah, that’s fantastic. Add to the confusion.
72: Fool me once - shame on you; fool me twice - oh no you didn't!
73: You call it love, but we call it crap!
74: Somebody please sharpen this storyline. It's missing a point.
75: Stop trying to get creative and just bring back the Fall Out Tool.
76: Remember chastity belts? Yeah, lets go ahead and bring those back.
77: We refuse to move on cause we're feeling the same.
78: He gave her 2 embarrassing speeches & that’s gotta mean smtg, right Mark?
79: Masochists + torture scene? We need more than that to be pleased!
80: Who cares about titles? We want BL scenes!
81: Boyfriend and Pretty Girl in the same team. It's time to play!!!
82: ‘Nathan Scores.’ Really? And you’re shocked that it’s porn?
83: Some of the hardest things are easy to achieve with patience.
84: Lucas needs a haircut and we know exactly who should give him one!
85: Because even a look is a perfect Valentine’s
86: Because we have a murderer on our side!
87: "Don't count this threesome out-we havent seen the last of this one"
88: Spoilers that make you go hmm…
89: BL eye-sex candy is coming our way!
90: Because tonight BL begins again...preferably with sunglasses!
91: Because it's in their eyes, it's how they operate.
92: Your bf saying his x-girlfriend's dress is nicer than yours: Priceless!
93: B/c 'cheesefest' won't change the destiny of these two lovers.
94: Stop this Chasefest. Let's chase Chase off... NOW!
95: We'll choose whipped cream over this old cheese anyday!
96: After All the stops & starts,we keep coming back to these two hearts
97: "Sometimes they come back..."
98: Because we see it in their eyes...they'll be alright.
99: If BL wasnt on hiatus the eppie would go "It def gets better @ night"
100: Prettiest Thread. Hottest Couple. Greatest Fans. "Oh", And Crappiest Spoilers!

Art made by: tooaddicted2tv


Archie & Veronica
Brooke & Lucas Dylan & Brenda

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