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Old 02-17-2007, 02:11 AM
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DM = Daniel Manu
MA = Michael Ausiello (is not there today)
AC = Angel Cohn
MMcD = Maitland McDonagh

START 27.55

DM: I can’t believe we’ve gone this long without mentioning Gilmore Girls.
AC: ‘Cause Michael is not here.
DM: Right, thank God that we haven’t mentioned Gilmore Girls; but now we have to. We got a ton of letters as always, some of them positive, some of them negative.
AC: Shocker.
DM: Yeah. Stephanie says ‘how can we have ever thought the death of anything is funny’ referring to ChinChin, Michel’s dog; was it a dog or a cat? I Sookied so I have no idea.
AC: Dog. A big Pomeranian dog.
DM: Good.
AC: He named him after a Martha Stewart dog and I think that Martha’s ChinChin is also no longer with us. But I may be wrong on that.
MMcD: Oh no. I think Scully is Pomeranian has been eaten by that alligator thing.
AC: See?
DM: Scully had a Pomeranian on X Files?
MMcD: Very briefly, his name was Queequeg.
DM: Jeez Louise. Well, that’s a good name. Uhh Stephanie says “God, I’m happy the marriage is over between Chris and Lorelai, I think they--- I think --- I thought that everything needed to be said about the relationship was mentioned this week.”
AC: But how long are they gonna drag this out, that’s what I wanna know and
DM: At least four episodes, I think.
AC: Like, more fighting but not fighting? ‘Cuz I’m kind of over it, I just want them to jump; jump six weeks ahead and be done with it, and her be signing her divorce papers.
DM: As Suzie says she “absolutely loved this episode, as a vivid Christopher hater I even loved the way they ended it, not that I actually felt sorry for him, but it was just done in such a way that I didn’t end up hating either one of them.”
AC: I thought that he handled it remarkably well, given the fact that they have made him out to be a bad guy through so much of the season; like, him just sort of like, coming to terms with it; but the rest of the episode, he was his jerky self. I don’t know if he redeems himself in five minutes.

DM: I don’t think he redeemed himself at the end of the show, definitely not. Definitely not. Malory says that she’s finally given up on the Gilmore Girls, she was Sookieing much of the episodes from this season and now she’s just gonna stop watching it all together. ‘I resent being completely jerked around, i.e. breaking up with Luke, marrying Chris, refusing to commit to the story line, making Chris a huge jerk so Lorelai goes back to Luke, blahblahblah,’ and she has a question for us, ‘when do we throw the towel in on a show you used to love? Or do you stick to it ‘till the bitter end?’ I stick to it ‘till the bitter end.

AC: I watched all of Felicity


END 30.10

Errare humanum est.
All the freaky people make the beauty of the world
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