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Old 06-14-2004, 05:32 PM
Master Fan

Joined: Oct 2001
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MJ & Jason #1: Because she used to have a crush on him!

This is an appreciation post for the potential pairing between MJ Bevans and Jason Mathews, portrayed by Nikki Deloach and Kristoffer Polaha.

After seeing them tonight on the pilot, I think they have a very natural chemistry about them, and their relationship doesn't at all feel forced. They've been friends since they were kids as we've found out, and she had a crush on him when she was 5, LOL.

I really hope to see their relationship further explored at some point. Does anyone else agree?

So I'll start a Because list...

Reasons they should hook up:

1. Because he believes in her t-shirts
2. Because she visited him out in Maui
3. Because he think she has bad taste in men
4. Because they have good chemistry
5. Because she had a crush on him when she was 5
6. Because she used to run around naked in his yard
7. Because she doesn't like the Nicole or how she treated him
8. Because she was polite to her for Jason, but she warned her not to break his heart

The couple

[They're standing next to each other]

You know I'm always coming back to this place
I'm always gonna look for your face.
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