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Old 08-02-2006, 07:53 AM
Passionate Fan

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A new Ausiello is up...

Question: Give me whatever you have about Marty on Gilmore Girls. Is he returning? — Steevyn

Ausiello: Dave Rosenthal confirmed Wayne Wilcox's return in my Q&A with him. I don't have an episode count or first air date yet, but I'm working on it.

Question: Anything Gilmore Girls-related. Please. — Chloe
Ausiello: I'm hearing that a mishap at Luke's Diner will lead Kirk to open his own eatery across the street.

Question: OK, who do you think Lorelai should end up with: Luke or Christopher? — Jessica

Ausiello: I'd like to see Luke and Lorelai end up together, but I'm not opposed to a Lorelai-Christopher pairing in the short-term. Lauren Graham and David Sutcliffe have an easy-breezy chemistry and, unlike L&L, I don't feel the need to cover my eyes when they round third base. There, I said it. Now commence with the stone-throwing.

Question: Is it true? Is someone having a baby on Gilmore Girls this season? — Lisa D.

Ausiello: Considering Liz announced that she was preggers on May 2, it stands to reason that a baby will pop out at some point this season. That's what we in the biz call a no-brainer

Question: Thank you so much for your review of the first episode of Gilmore Girls. Just curious: Who did you have to sleep with to get the script? — Melanie

Ausiello: Taylor Doose. When I said I'd do anything for a good scoop, I meant anything.

Question: Thanks for the Gilmore Girls script scoop! And those puzzles are so much fun. Here are my guesses: Are Sookie and Michel "arm wrestling"? Do Lorelai and Rory spend time together in a class of some kind? Does Lorelai reference "Written in the Stars"? And does Luke or Lorelai leave Stars Hollow, thus making room for a time-skip? — Katie

Ausiello: You got two out of four. Not bad!
SOOKIE: Well, that's true, although just because you don't see him a lot doesn't mean he's not a big part of your life.

Last edited by Mag13; 08-02-2006 at 08:00 AM
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