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Old 07-08-2006, 10:46 AM
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Since copperboom mentioned Scott interview I thought I could post my summary over here as well

Ok,uhm, as I already said over the Reality Junkies thread an italian megazine (Telefilm Megazine) published a Scott Petterson's interview and I thought you might like to know what he said.
The article is pretty long so I won’t translate it step by step. I just don’t have enough time today. I could do it if you give me few more days though. I’ll just try to sum up what he said in the best possible way[Forgive me for my English. As you all know it’s not my first language].
The interviewer begins by saying that Scott was really nice to talk to. That they spent like 30 minutes on the phone talking about the show and other stuff and it was like talking to an old friend. He came out as a lovely, kind, funny person who does really love his character, the show and his Italian fans. He says Scott even ended his interview by saying "Vorrei un caffè con vista sul mare". (Yeah it seems like our Scott’s learning to speak Italian. At least a little bit).
The first question is about how did he took the news of Lorelai and Luke getting engaged and basically living together this year. Scott says that everything became a little more complicated for our poor Luke and that he’s didn’t really know what to do (I think he was alluding to April even if they never mention her). He said that he’s also aware that many persons didn’t like the way his character acted throughout the season.
The second question is about ASP leaving and what does he think is going to happen next year. Will it really be the last season?
He says there’s no way to know. Every thing is possible. He thinks that The Cw would probably like to let the show have another season but his contract (as Alexis and Lauren’s contract) is up next year. He personally would like to go on (with the show) for other few seasons but it all depends on the ratings and on what the other actors want to do.
Then the interviewer asks him if he’s really like Luke. If he hates the new technologies and he’s an old-style kind of guy. He says he kind of is. That he began to use a cell phone only 5 years ago and does use his pc but still thinks that this new way to live is kind of alienating us all from reality. People tend to not think enough about the consequences.
He also says that it’s amazing how good Amy has been at writing characters that really do mirror some aspects (and in some cases many aspects) of the actors’ personalities.
The interviewer also asks him if (like Luke) he doesn’t like to go to parties atc. He says he calls himself a free-agent. He does not do something or go somewhere just ‘cause he’s supposed to go there or ‘cause everybody goes there. He does what he wants to, but yeah he does like partying and meeting other people.
Then they ask him what’s his favourite scene ever with Lauren Graham. He says it’s a scene ( he doesn’t remember from what season it’s from) where Lorelai suddenly bursts in tears (at home- but I personally think he messed this memory up. Since I don't think he's talking about episode 6.08. The description of the scene reminded me of The melt down in the park from season 4) he doesn't remember if it was over Rory or another man and Luke stays there without doing or saying anything special. He just stood there by her side comforting her. Scott says that this is what he likes about Luke. He loves the fact that his feelings are always genuine and he’s not ashamed of showing them in moments like this. He thinks it’s something rare to see on a tv show nowadays.
That scene btw Luke and Lorelai reminds him of a friend of his. This friend and his wife had been married for 10 years and she confessed/told him that she had cheated on him and all he could say was that he would have helped her to overcome that bad moment of her life. That he would’ve been there for her. Scott says he thought it was incredible because this means loving a person more than you love yourself.
Then they ask him if, in case the show is gonna end, he will take something from Luke’s diner. Scott says he already did LOL Many times. Since he’s a member of “Make a whish” foundation, he always tries to take something to give them. He also says he kept something for himself and used to have it in his safe,but last year he’s had burglars and they took every thing away. His safe included. Too bad.
What’s in store for Scott’s future? He says “Holydays for now”. He’ll spend some times in Italy and then he’ll be back to work on the show ( I assume the interview was made at least few weeks ago). He briefly talks about his movie Her Best move and then they talk about his relationship with Lauren Graham which he defines as… Great (Excellent/Very Good, whatever lol This is the basic meaning of the word) Yep. He said Great. He says she’s an amazing person. One of the most underrated tv actresses in his opinion. He says he watches her acting like 80 hours a week and he says that he knows he couldn’t work as hard as she does. All he can do in the week-end is sleeping or relaxing. Working on Gilmore Girls is really really hard because of the quick-lenguage , the number of pages to learn etc.
He concludes the interview by saying that he loves Italy and the Italian fans and by saying hi to an amazing friend he’s got in Napoli (who’s the mysterious chick?)
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Last edited by Lor-baby; 07-09-2006 at 03:33 AM
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