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Old 02-08-2021, 12:35 AM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Sep 2010
Posts: 306
Originally Posted by Auror (View Post)
That title was only meant for Andie. Not a coincidence she picked it up and the stupid boat PJ spent time on (when Joey should have been helping her sister and little nephew and their business) was destroyed.

See, these are moments you could tell were indicating PJ were toast and not meant to be. I don't know how anyone who supports PJ can watch these episodes and honestly believe they were written in a long-term convincing way. Just the opposite. So many hints and even obvious moments showing they were terribly unhealthy together and not meant to last long at all. Makes the series finale all the more pathetic and insulting.
You would think the symbolism of the boat being lost forever was direct symbolism of the fate that was to await PJ. It's just textbook TV show symbolism. The boat was the symbolic foundation upon which their relationship was built on and the fact that it was destroyed it would supposedly demonstrate that their relationship was soon to face the same fate. Which is why it's even more obvious that the ending was not what was originally planned.

If I was a DJ fan and saw something like that happen to them I wouldn't have much confidence in them as endgame.
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